Oct 16·edited Oct 19

A Lusitano horse event. And a COVID summit. Both at the same equestrian center. In the space of a few days.

I follow the science, and the science says the universe is bending in your direction. Best wishes for recuperative sleep and lumbar recovery.

Oh, and no explanations about missing days are necessary. Your written productivity is way higher than most on Substack. I hope that's because you find such communication fulfilling, rather than a debt owed. Good luck!

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Oct 16·edited Oct 17Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

There are so many people that have been harmed by these shots, it seems somewhat a sin that people in the know stay silent or even worse, push another round of injections. You would think they are destined for misery in their life. I give you tons of credit Dr. Malone for being injured yourself and speaking out so that maybe someone else doesn’t have to go through medical harms as you did. Shouldn’t this be the standard for all people? If you have the power to keep people from harm you should not withhold it, you should speak up, what is wrong with these people? Thoughts won’t keep people safe you have to say it out load, I guess this is one of the biggest reasons I support you Dr. Malone you always put others above yourself by sharing information. The mercy you show others will be the mercy you will one day receive. J.Goodrich

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55 Undeclared Chemical Elements — Including Heavy Metals — Found in COVID Vaccines

"Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in a study of the six major COVID-19 vaccine brands. The research, which confirms previous studies, sparked calls for transparency and further investigation.

by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D.

A group of Argentine scientists identified 55 chemical elements — not listed on package inserts — in the Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino, Sinopharm and Sputnik V COVID-19 vaccines, according to a study published last week in the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research.

The chemical elements include 11 heavy metals — such as chromium, arsenic, nickel, aluminum, cobalt and copper — which scientists consider systemic toxicants known to be carcinogenic and to induce organ damage, even at low exposure levels.

The samples also contained 11 of the 15 lanthanides, or rare earth elements, that are heavier, silvery metals often used in manufacturing. These chemical elements, which include lanthanum, cerium and gadolinium, are lesser known to the general public than heavy metals but have also been shown to be highly toxic.

“The detection of multiple undeclared toxic elements, including heavy metals and lanthanides, in COVID-19 vaccines raises a dual and multiplied concern for human health,” James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D., a member of the journal’s editorial board who was not involved in the research, told The Defender. “Individually, these chemicals are known to cause neurological, cardiovascular and immunological damage.”

“Together, their synergistic toxicity could exacerbate these risks far beyond what regulators and manufacturers have disclosed or studied,” Lyons-Weiler added.

The research builds on a series of studies conducted since 2021 using different analytic techniques to analyze COVID-19 vaccine vials from major manufacturers. Previous studies also identified significant numbers of chemical elements not listed on vaccine labels."




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THIS WILL EXPLAIN WHY ALL THE HEAVY METALS ARE USED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrqBy0xFC30

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Ep 255: Is There Nanotechnology in Your Blood? W/ Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

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When Gates et al have billions invested and have the where with all to manipulate NIH and it's three letter branches explains the hubris of these amoral humans.

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Great post and I agree!

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I never heard that term before Mark. I have considered cancelling people and taking their ability to make a living a form of killing them. This seems to be the lefts new form of capital punishment.

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I think that is a righteous plan of action. Mr. Goodrich. Many were calling for those of us just asking legitimate questions back in 2020 & early 2021, to be imprisoned, rounded up in camps, denied any healthcare and blamed us for the deaths of so many, on those of us who declined to take the "vaccine". Emily Oster did an article in The Atlantic about just "moving on" from the pandemic.

I have maybe an unChristian view on this. Those that said or had anything to do with forcing those vaccines must apologize until we let them off the hook. For me personally, that means grovelling obsequiously. I want them to be properly humiliated and made to announce publicly that not only was their thinking faulty but that their character is deficient.

Then I'll think about it. I know this shows my own anger which is a weakness. However, I'm also acutely aware of hundreds of people who are either permanently and significantly harmed by the vaccines or dead. There was a 400% increase in missed abortions aka miscarriages in 2021. An untold number of sudden onset, rapid and lethal cancers. Short of a rapid brain tumor, it is very rare for people to learn they have cancer and be dead in less than a month. Very rare.

Okay,stepping down off my soapbox.

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I was told I was responsible for the death of at least three million people, which, considering I live on an island with a population of 1.2 million would be quite an achievement! Anybody have a contact at the Guinness Book of World Records?

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I believe We The People NEED People like you P.B. to stand tall and Proud of your comments. I accept and believe ALL of what you say, and it will only ever (a) end and (b) NEVER again rear its ugly head if People like you (and me and Dr(s) Malone and "others" to do as you have done above. Well done.

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Wish I was braver and smarter. But thank you for your kind words.

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Mafia code of no cooperation with authorities, silence about the family business and destroying opposition.

Gotta admit there is a lot of “family business” in elections and politics. All with a complicit media, big pharma, lobbyists, etc.

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Morning James.

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RFK Jr - Fauci Must Be Prosecuted for 330K Murders as Mass Graves Found Outside NYC...

The mass graves of thousands of vulnerable children killed in illegal experiments by Dr. Anthony Fauci will be used as evidence against Dr. Anthony Fauci when he is charged with crimes against humanity according to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

In the same way that Nazi Dr. Josef Mengele’s crimes horrified the world when his atrocities were exposed after World War II, the details of Fauci’s deadly experiments on vulnerable groups — including orphans — is now leaving investigators stunned.

Dr. Fauci is a psychopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism and there is an unmarked grave in New York state bearing witness to his ambition.


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“The enemy cometh not but for to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY.” “ The devil is a liar and the father of all lies.” “After the destroyer finishes destroying he will be destroyed..” Thise are from the Bible.

Power money and control are surface goals. Underneath is demonic. Depop, destruction of humanity except for compliant useful slaves…satan hates pure humans bc we are made in the image of God and he hates God. he hates creation bc God created it. So… pls consider or re-consider opening your ❤️ to Jesus. The check He has for you He signed in His blood. That’s love. He and the Father and the Holy Spirit didn’t want Heaven w/o us.

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Whilst I am with you all the way, your last few words give me cause for concern. You see, I have been reading the complete Bible from cover to cover on a regular basis for over 49 years and I have not encountered any reference to our triune God not wanting heaven without us! That is bringing Him down to our level but His ways are not our ways neither are His thoughts like our thoughts. If you can show me I am incorrect, please feel free to do so, all I want to do is get to know my God even better, thank you.

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Oh, my gosh! "Doctor" Fauci is a mass murderer! Those poor children! Revenge is God's.

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Understand Japan is advising against the RSV jab because of its nasty habit of killing babies but our beloved f.d.a. is including it in the recommended plethora of infant jabs. Aren' t they the sweetest thing?

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Well, bless their hearts…

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Oct 16·edited Oct 16

A great Southern saying, so much meaning \/ insert a little sarcasm/\

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Currently researching all the vaccines they recommend for 2 month olds. And yes, RSV is among them. I'm going to look up that study. Thank you! I am utterly appalled by the sheer number of vaccines they want to inject at one visit. Fortunately, my daughter's pediatrician is no longer offering the Covid V because she has seen too many adverse events. She's also not forcing any on the little guy because he was born deaf and they don't know why. Because she and her husband are refusing any for him right now, they will be required to attend an educational class, or should I say re-educational class, on vaccines. Reminds me of a book I read awhile back.. Hmmm

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Oct 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Speaking of those who took the shots and were injured, I have been saddened by the reaction of a friend who was so badly vax injured that it essentially ended the family's ministry in another country. Her husband still travels there occasionally, but they gave up their home there and are now living in the U.S. What saddens me is that she was not willing to see a nearby doctor who knows about vax injury, and, to my knowledge, does not speak out to warn others. I often use her injury as an example when I warn others. I know those who go public about their vax injury are gaslit, but if her injury contributed to my activism, it's hard to understand why it didn't move her to help others. I don't post this to criticize her, but to add to the discussion about those who refuse to speak out about the plandemic. Perhaps she's just too weak to be able to deal with the treatment she would suffer. She also had her three daughters vaxxed, so perhaps she doesn't want to learn about side effects they may suffer in the future.

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I often think about those who fear to change for the better, even when they're sick or disabled or addicted or poisoned by the plethora of mostly modern artifacts of greed, and I know that those unfortunates may be simply incapable of change, not necessarily unwilling or stubborn. A life changing insight for me was reading a book, Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit, by Adele Davis. It was a revelation, an awareness and realization: This is for me! Her many books are out of date now, but that moment, 60 years ago, resulted in a hobby of reading similar books, plus carefully sharing info with anyone who might benefit. This year, a book, published 2024, is the best book yet for a general audience: Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind, by Georgia Ede, MD, a psychiatrist with a special interest in metabolism and nutrition. I suggest this book here because of the vast numbers of vaxxed people who could be helped by you all with the book's info and insights. She also has a website, but, refreshingly, she sells no supplements. I consider her a genius, kind of like Stephanie Seneff, PhD, both of whom truly promote health.

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HAH! If you ever saw "Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit" author - Adele Davis - on TV she was anything BUT fit, being morbidly obese.

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That's because she was eating too much carbs and hidden partially hydrogenated vegetable oil in some bakery products deceptively marketed as health food made from sprouted grains. That's why I wrote that Adele Davis' books are out of date, but the info at the time, for someone like me at age 21 on a less than optimum diet, not even organic yet, was very helpful. That was 60 years ago in the SF-Oakland bay area. She was located in Oakland then.

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You sound positively gleeful about that - how very sad. I am obese due to being inflicted with every kind of abuse which can be inflicted upon a child, icluding sexual abuse, and it is only recently that God (whom I came to know as an adult) has set me free from decades of chronic clinical depression and thr concomitent comfort eating. Therefore, as Christians, which I presume you are, it behoves us not to sit in judgment on another whilst being completely ignorant of the facts.

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I am sorry, Julia, that you took my comment about Adele Davis personally. I was one who read her books and was shocked to see her appearance via TV - where one could only wonder why she did not follow her own advise.

It is tragic that you endured the childhood abuse you mention - and wonderful that you found your God and have (hopefully) transcended the mental hurt and physical addiction to comfort food.

BTW, aren't you judging me?

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I think you had better have that out with God, I have said my piece and have no desire to say anything else, sorry.

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A damning new study has revealed that autopsy data shows Covid mRNA shots have overwhelmingly contributed to all-cause deaths around the world.

The bombshell study found that Covid shots are “directly” linked to a staggering 73.9% of all deaths.

The research team behind the study was made up of some of America’s leading oncologists, cardiologists, doctors, and scientists, including:

Nicolas Hulscher

Paul E. Alexander

Richard Amerling

Heather Gessling

Roger Hodkinson

William Makis

Harvey A. Risch

Mark Trozzi

Peter A. McCullough

The study found that 73.9% of all deaths were “directly due to or significantly contributed to” by Covid mRNA injections.

The autopsy data exposes a direct link “between COVID-19 vaccination and death,” the researchers note in their study’s paper.

“The rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines, combined with a high number of adverse event reports, has led to concerns over possible mechanisms of injury including systemic lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and mRNA distribution, Spike protein-associated tissue damage, thrombogenicity, immune system dysfunction, and carcinogenicity.

“The aim of this systematic review is to investigate possible causal links between COVID-19 vaccine administration and death using autopsies and post-mortem analysis.”

“All autopsy and necropsy studies that included COVID-19 vaccination as an antecedent exposure were included.

“Because the state of knowledge has advanced since the time of the original publications, three physicians independently reviewed each case and adjudicated whether or not COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death.”

The research team initially identified 678 studies.

Among those directly linked to Covid shots, the primary causes of death include:

Sudden cardiac death (35%)

Pulmonary embolism (12.5%)

Myocardial infarction (12%)

VITT (7.9%)

Myocarditis (7.1%)

Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (4.6%)

Cerebral hemorrhage (3.8%).

In the “Conclusions” section of the paper, the authors write:

“The consistency seen among cases in this review with known COVID-19 vaccine mechanisms of injury and death, coupled with autopsy confirmation by physician adjudication, suggests there is a high likelihood of a causal link between COVID-19 vaccines and death

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Thanks for reminding me of this, John. I may cite this next week when I mention the covid vaccine in a class at church. Last night, the teacher said that a class member had covid, then said, “wash your hands, get a vaccine.” I should have spoken up then, but I was so totally caught off-guard. After the class, I learned that a second pastor at the church is having to step down due to health problems most likely caused by the shots. The first still works part-time, the second is no longer able to work at all. He’s about 50 and is having heart problems and brain fog. I am heartbroken that this satanic attack has caused this man to have to leave the ministry he loves and is so effective at. He ministers to our students. In addition to the pastors, we have a seminary professor with brain cancer (diagnosed a couple of months after he received several shots at the same time) and an elder’s wife (vaccinated to protect her elderly mother) who has triple negative breast cancer, as well as a host of other illnesses among the congregation.

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I thank God continuously that He led us to a church which never closed and where the pastor seriously discouraged his flock from ever receiving the jab.

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You're not near Raleigh, NC are you?

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I am about 6000 miles away from there, but why the question?

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So I could visit your church, of course!

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People trust what Doctors say too much. Doctors do not understand the DNA and immune system well enough. That is why they normally do testing, which in this case was no done for covid vaccines.

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Embarrassed for going with the con.

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AI is now the go to site. I asked if the three main drugs used to treat Covid had potential for causing death.


Combining acetaminophen, remdesivir, and midazolam can be risky, especially without medical supervision. Each of these drugs has its own set of potential side effects and interactions:

Acetaminophen: Generally safe when used as directed, but can cause liver damage in high doses.

Remdesivir: An antiviral used for COVID-19, which can cause liver and kidney issues.

Midazolam: A sedative that can cause respiratory depression, especially when combined with other sedatives or opioids.

When combined, the risk of adverse effects, particularly on the liver and respiratory system, increases. It's crucial to use these medications under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid potentially dangerous interactions.

My comment:

If the patient has liver dysfunction the risk is greater. All three drugs impact the 3A4 liver enzyme system. Acetaminophen also impacts 1A2 and 2E1. AI didn't mention that acetaminophen has a black box warning and over 50% of all US liver transplants can be attributed to the chronic overuse of the OTC drug with or without alcohol. Unfortunately, the astute physicians that understood this were expelled from their positions if they dared to speak out on the issue during the Covid con.

Unfortunately, Co-Pilot which I used avoided answering certain subjects that I researched. So, the question is: Who is managing Co-Pilot? Would not answer if there are any risks with Mounjaro. Why?


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Your questions and answers are always complex and astute to me, Thomas. I know you sometimes interact with AMD, and the same can be said. These are common use drugs that very few people think or know about overuse. I'm in pretty hurting shape to use even an ""aspirin". Damn shame, this could be a simple way to healthier lives...

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Oct 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It sounds like your recoveries will be on hold until you are all safely home in VA.

I can well appreciate your travel experience. In my day, made straight through trips from Baltimore to Chicago/Michigan, sometimes pulling a horse trailer. The stamina required is daunting. I'm so glad you two were up to the challenge. Power to you for your return home. Will be hoping the show, showing and the 'Summit on Covid' presentation will make it more than worth your efforts.

Personally, am relieved the UK meet is off. Reports re Starmer's efforts seem more concerning by the day. Control seems to be his objective for this season. The reasons for the cancelation seem to have global application. A sorry side of the nature of all too many humans.

All that noted, wishing you all ( horses too) 🐎 a decent experience (took my mare to a couple shows - she didn't enjoy it). As for you two beloved humans - many pleasures, successes and satisfactions! We'll be here cheering for you!


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Oct 16Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Forgot to mention, I got my two gift copies of your book on their way today. Have my copy under way. I'm a slow reader and having to use a flashlight. May need your audio version to pickup my read.

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Why are you relieved the meeting is off? Are you aware of quite how ignorant the vast majority of the UK population are?

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I'm relieved, in that the Starmer lot are arresting and jailing people who are speaking disinformation (anything that is inconsistent with their partly line). Such a course of events would be of benefit to no one. I'm not clear that what they were planning would have reached the ears of the general populous. I'm afraid they are stuck in a totalitarian hell, at least until the next election (if there is one).

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I have heard nothing about this, where are you getting your information from. I am based somewhere in Europe, although I am English because this is where God wants me but, sadly, I seem to be far better informed as to what is going on in the S than the UK. How do you get to find out the truth in the UK?

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I would note that today, even when we are in the midst of events, it is difficult to appreciate the whole of whats going on. Announced causes vs hidden agendas. Certainly with the UN vs WEF vs EU vs GB goals.

Where do I get information from which I gain impressions of what's going on and the directions things could take. Probably my main sources that I give some credence to include - The Epoch Times, the folks I follow on Gttr, the Substacks I subscribe to, conservative radio I listen to (one regularly interviews notable folks in verious European and South American Nations).

Does this give me a clear, in-depth understanding? The power 'would be leaders' are doing their best to censor what we can learn. They take steps to fashion what we learn and think what they prefer. So we see the world darkly. I reflect my impressions from what I encounter. May or may not reflect the whole of reality. I'm ever open to more input that will let me better appreciate reality.

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When I was reading you, I remembered why I decided to not let the breeder of one of my cats to show him. It so often can be for the breeder to make a continuing profit by selling qualified and ribboned animals.

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Dr. Malone, thank you for this information which continues to explain what is happening with the Covid psyop. I feel powerless but then I remember that I, and most of my family, resisted the dictates. I am the power of one which, when multiplied, will be a mighty force.

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I'm hearing reports of masking in California. I'm seeing multiple masks at the grocery today. There are fresh reports of a new, scary varient.

Perhaps one thing we can do is to go about confidently unmasked. (Raising the issue as to the validity of the ongoing psyops).

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Yep! Ramping up the fear level!

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From what I have heard, even from those we would not consider our friends this 'variant' is considered pretty mild.

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If lovers of truth and integrity don't want to suffer further under globalists censorship, banning, and destruction of their hard earned reputations, let us all get out and vote for Trump. If Trump isn't elected POTUS, We the People will be living under totalitarian rule forever.

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Maybe not forever, but the price to overcome becomes exponential. IMO, never give up!

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FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! is the rallying cry of President Trump!

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IF the Democratic COMMUNISTS rig the election - and Kalamity Harris becomes Commander in Chief - outright confiscation of fire arms WILL begin - and are ANY real recovery of our Republic less than slim.

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Do appreciate that perspective. We have so many, hoping for safety they're willing to lick boots.

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As Christians like to say,

“But God…” Many dire Bible stories hinge on this narrative-changing phrase. God’s in control of these times, no matter what. “Fear not, little flock, for I have overcome the world.” Why not let your ❤️ soften enough to ask Jesus to show you He’s there and He loves you. A wonderful discovery

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But this time you need to be aware of how incredibly close we are to the Tribulation, there will not be time for a 'but God' moment until Jesus returns seven years later.

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Amen. Thank you.

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Sadly not all of 'us' can do that, as not all of 'us' are American nor do we live in America. However I did read somewhere that the vast majority of evangelical Christians did not vote last time!

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I will never forgive ALL those who forced my wife of 40+ yrs to die alone from a turbo effect to her cancer which I believe she was “forced “ to accept for both oncological care. I wish those who did such harm to her and our family of her being aline should be held to the same restrictions. Oh sure, as a Christian, I should forgive such but i will not…my soul mate is gone and no one was allowed to be there with her passing. Not one person!!!!!…has even said they were wrong in their actions!…and with that said there must be indictments for such death-dealing with a Trump win in November….without a win there will be a continued coverup.

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She wasn’t alone. Jesus was right there w/her the whole time. She’s fine now: healthy and looking forward to seeing you maybe sooner than we think, depending on -you know- His imminent return. 😊Be encouraged 🌿🌸🌿 “I am the Lord who healeth thee. I am the Lord, your Healer. I sent my Word and healed your disease. I am the Lord, your Healer.”🌿🙏🌿

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For your own soul's sake you have got to forgive. Ask God to enable you to CHOOSE to forgive them and let them off. Put them in God's hands as I did with all those who abused me as child, including parents and paedophiles. All you are doing now, apart from disobeying God which is bad enough, is you are putting yourself in spiritual jeopardy, you are giving the enemy of your soul the right to harass you and you are letting a root of bitterness grow in you which will choke the life out of you.

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All employees of the Australian Government and all Judges were exempt from being vaccinated. Is that not be the clearest proof to the whole jabbed population that they had been duped? I believe that this should be the starting point of holding those responsible to account.

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The FLCCCs Dr Marik and a Dr Dalgalish were just touring Australia delivering truths. Oppression of truths and any suggestions of relenting re vaxing are reportedly still strongly opposed.

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!!!!???!!!???! Well, shoot!!! Moreover…

Xtremerealitycheck on Rumble says in her 6-hour vid called The Entity, toward the end, that the un V-ed by now are shedded upon by the v-ed by so many self duplicating nanos to where they’re contaminated as much as the v-ed. Pray God will cleanse our bodies from all toxins, contaminants, and all nano riff-raff and… “he who dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress: my God, in Him will I trust.” Psalm 91

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Recall that Australia - except for the police - became a gun free continent about what was it? 30 years ago?

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"I have learned a lot over the last 3 months in terms of who is interested in learning more about our topic – and who is not – and why they are not interested. I have been shocked and saddened at some of what I have learned." - Moving.

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Trailering horses has to rank up there as one of the most stressful things you can ever do. Glad it's not me!

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While the conference has been cancelled, the talking points is worth us saving and the war on pretty much everything chart is worth keeping, too. Look at what we are up against! Yowser!

I do not envy your drive, and pulling a horse trailer, and road food (which we always called true fill). You gave me flash backs to all the art fairs, then later, wholesale trades shows my wife and I did. Traveling from Western Wisconsin to Philadelphia, to Boston, Baltimore, Chicago, Ann Arbor, Las Vegas, Miami. and Honolulu. (At least we flew to that one then spent a vacation week scuba diving).

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It seems to me that even many people who understand that there were problems with the Covid crisis and that there are problems in our political system do not get the gravity of the situation. Some of them are just not getting it, others have a psychological block because it is simply too frightening to consider. I just finished AAron Day’s article, “You Might Own Nothing Sooner Than You Think”. The article regarding how the financial system and various internet agreements we all sign are being used to rob us of our financial freedom is found on the Brownstone website. On the one hand it really is to frightening to consider and on the other hand nearly impossible to believe. It is no wonder people are having a hard time coming to terms with our dystopian present.

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Why has dr Mercola become memorized by a fraudster who claims to channel some babbling entity? Maybe the Midwestern Doctor knows.

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Perhaps you meant to write the word, mesmerized. I see Dr Mercola's emails frequently, and he has been losing many customers as is evident from remarkably increased overstock and other such sales. It's a tragedy. The powers that shouldn't be finally got to him, in my opinion, via a charlatan who claims to channel an entity known as Bahlon. Dr Mercola has apparently deeply offended many of his customers, and I've quit buying from him. perhaps permanently. He also purposely offended one of my favorite charities, The National Vaccine Information Center, by abruptly terminating all of his substantial donations to them. Here's a clean link I found when I asked Brave AI: https://www.supplysidesj.com/branding-marketing/cult-or-con-experts-say-dr-mercola-and-his-supplements-brand-resembles-both

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Dr Malone noted benefits from 3 supplements. I found Mercola was offering supplements that corresponded with his description. I purchased them and they all work notably well

I did have question about the collagen. Ran out and am paying a clear price for it. Have ordered more and its slowly helping.

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Can you share here with all of us just which 3 supplements are helping you now, as well as for which purpose? What was your question about collagen? I asked Brave AI, Which collagen food sources are best? AI replied, "Based on the provided search results, here are the top collagen-rich food sources:

Bone Broth: Abundant in collagen protein, making it one of the richest sources.

Animal Products: Collagen is part of an animal’s connective tissues, making animal products like:

Fish: Rich in collagen, particularly from fish like cod, salmon, and tilapia.

Cows: Collagen-rich meat, bones, and organs, such as beef, pork, and lamb.

Eggs: Eggshells contain collagen, although the amount may vary.

Pork Rinds: A good source of dietary collagen, making them a viable option for those seeking collagen from food.

Additionally, while not directly a collagen source, Vitamin C-rich foods (such as citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, and tomatoes) play a crucial role in collagen synthesis and stabilization.

It’s essential to note that vegetarians and vegans may face challenges in obtaining collagen from food sources, as most collagen-rich foods come from animal products. However, they can consider plant-based sources like cashews, which contain a small amount of collagen.

Remember to maintain a diverse diet to ensure a balance of essential nutrients, including antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which aid collagen production and overall health."

Personally, I recommend against pork rinds because of the excessive content of linoleic acid in the vast majority of pork due to their usual diet with corn and soy, at least. Please ask Brave AI, What's wrong with pork rinds? Please also ask Brave AI, What's wrong with cashews? If you use eggshells, be aware that most eggs are from unhealthy hens fed a diet high in corn and soy, even if it's supposedly certified organic by possibly corrupt inspectors who aren't adequately verifying the sources of the grain and beans, IMO. Most eggs are also dipped in a bleach solution. The usual chicken feed is way too high in linoleic acid from the corn and soy, and some feeds which are soy and corn free have other high linoleic acid content meals or oils included. Ask the farmer to show you the feed sack label. If you cannot ask the farmer, why not? If they won't adequately respond, what are they hiding? Most farmers and ranchers cease responding after I ask the most difficult question, saved for last: How do you control internal and external parasites?

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Well to start, I'm on Warfarin and allergic to eggs. Dr M actually mentioned 4 supplements - one I couldn't figure how to accommodate. I'm taking Magnesium L-Threonate and zinc - severe night leg cramps

Collagen Complex type I, II and III for bad knees, one loose and shifts out of place with long steps and cleaning cat pans.

Got sine iodine from organic seaweed. Amount/pill too high so haven't worked with it yet. Goiter.

Was interested to learn my grocery reports it gets it's meat from a nearby operation as does another,grocery. Not the same operation. My groceries meat is pretty good. One of the reasons I've been a long time customer. They do offer grass fed beef.

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And I thought I had health trouble's!

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Do you really need Warfarin? Vitamin K2 is necessary for many important functions. I get K2 in two forms: MK-4 from doubly certified organic (USDA & Real Organic Project) 100% pastured year round beef, and MK-7 from certified organic natto. All the K2 supplements are not organic. Dr Georgia Ede, MD, has in her website a tool to search for physicians similar to herself. Here's a clean link: https://www.diagnosisdiet.com/

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Heavy family history of debilitating strokes. I suffered bilateral pulmonary embolisms. My doctor at the time and current doctor consider anticoagulation is needed. I want to remain independant and having a stroke would likely prevent that. My parents ended up with 10 and 12 years sorely limited (Mom was a total cooked spinach who had gone blind, couldn't speak and was only able to move the fingers on one hand). Pretty scary)

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I consume magnesium threonate sufficient to prevent foot cramps induced from calcium from beef bone broth and rasped bone meal. Zinc supplementation is necessary to balance the high copper from my keto diet which includes some liver. Collagen I get from high collagen content of beef cuts such as bones with plenty of attached cartilage, cooked low and slow. I recook them with filtered reverse osmosis water daily, in non-reactive cook pot with lid to prevent spoilage, using stainless steel scissors of the take-apart kind to cut off pieces of cartilage and fat to consume. Marrow from cut femurs, extracted with a stainless steel marrow spoon, is also beneficial. Just tell your supplier what you want and why, and you shall receive. Lugol's solution, 2%, I add to my special water, at the present rate of 39 vertical drops per generous gallon. See Dr Brownstein's book, IODINE: WHY YOU NEED IT, WHY YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT.5TH EDITION. Make sure that grass fed beef is actually from cattle really on year round pasture, with organic hay in winter, moved frequently to prevent parasites, internal and external, and ask how are all those parasites controlled. Most ranchers and farmers don't want to tell how, exactly, they control internal and external parasites. They have something to hide, lying by omission, in my experience. I've suffered pesticide poisoning, more than once. There's much deception in agriculture, like you can easily imagine, because you know enough to be here, I'm sure. Good clean beef fat from suet is precious and rare. It's worth the time to find it. Prevent oxidation of its cholesterol by always cooking in water at low temperatures with the lid on top to further exclude oxygen and light, letting it cool with the lid still on overnight. I use a dedicated surface alarm thermometer to monitor the top of the lid, adjusted to let me know when 160 F (about 71 to 72 C) is reached so I can turn off the heat. Good luck and best wishes to you all who read for your best health. The best book I've ever read in 60 years on health from nutrition is Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind, MD, a psychiatrist with a special interest in metabolism and nutrition. I've given away many copies to friends and farmers at the farmers market.

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I'm hoping you are young enough to enjoy many years of benefits from your diligence! Personally, am older and haven't moneys, time and patience to do much more than hit the high points (low hanging fruit?). I do try and prod myself into beneficial exercising. I'm glad so many are pursuing enhanced answers. I'm hoping that at some point (latest read DJT is planning for RFK Jr to identify and rid us of the Gov evils) RFK Jr will have the opportunity to help us get healthy again. Plenty of evils in those corners as well.

Much success with your efforts.

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Holy cow!

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I stopped subscribing when this came out.

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