Mar 29, 2023·edited Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Robert - My fave part in the Hi-Rez video is when you watch JP bathe his hands in purell and say “wow”. Makes me laugh out loud. 😂

Looking forward to the next one!

So happy to know that you and Jill are having some laughs in these trying times. If not for laughter, we would all surely shrivel up and hide under the covers.

Loved seeing how Alex Stein can show such humor despite the tragic memory of his dear mother being killed by Baylor’s hospital protocol.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Comedy is an excellent way to get to/teach a subset of humans who might not listen to the more 'serious' messages. Excellent. Thanks.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Can't wait! I loved the first one - and all good people.

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Glad you get to have some fun once in a while.

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Looking forward to seeing the new video!

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Also looking forward to a good laugh. Praying for this country to turn back to a righteous direction.

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So fun to see this video and especially YOU in it! I swear Doc you are amazing- brilliant but so fun loving and young at heart! You continue to be my hero! God bless you! 💛

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Nothing probably irritates the sickos than people making fun of them and enjoying themselves while they do it!

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and no matter how much/how well, they pretend that it doesn't irritate them, KEEP IT UP ANYWAY. : )

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I totally love that you have a great sense of humor. Humor is powerful, both for exposing insanity but also for reaffirming what is sane, and we need both of these quite a lot right now. Looking forward to the new video!!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Teaser! Love the shot of your longer hair; you never fail in your diversity in life.

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The World Eschatological Fellowship is a better title for what they are really about. And if they are successful, it will be the end times for the majority of human beings on this planet. The WEF has in fact been courting the Presidents of major Ivy League Colleges and Universities, making them honorary members in exchange for the PROMISE to support the ideals of the WEF. It is highly likely that money has changed hands as it always does because every person has his/her price at which they sell their souls to the satanic overlords. Just two days ago I made what I felt were honest statements of fact on Elon's Twitter page and promptly got the boot. You see Elon Musk is a shrewd player in the game of World Monopoly. He says that which will endear him with the public whilst plunging the knife into the solar plexus. His ties to Klaus Schwab are clear as is his true ideological stance.

With Elon putting up 40,000 satellites with a stated purpose bringing internet to remote places where few people live, I wondered ow many bright investors put their savings into this investment given the huge return that will follow. And I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn if anyone wants to make an offer.

These satellites are for NEFARIOUS purposes, and they can handle multiple tasks including using microwaves to direct nanotech particles to perform a variety of tasks remotely. So if by chance the MRNA vaccines happened to have some of these nano tech particles in them, they could be controlled by microwaves from a satellite or 40,000 of them working in unison, controlling everyone who has these microbots in their bodies.

My friends think I am whacked by making such assertions, but lest we forget the many German Jews who denied the fact that the NAZI's were exterminating them. Here we have so-called educated people, walking in lock step to the vaccine centers to get the Jab that they were told to get, without questioning a thing. If it is on CNN then it must be safe and effective. My good friend relies heavily on CNN and Wikipedia for all of his thinking and he is a Lawyer. This is how badly people have become brainwashed. I hope that it is not too late by the time they wake up to the insanity that is going on in the world. And it is they who will denounce Free Speech simply because it offers an opinion contrary to theirs. Twitter and You Tube are Fascists aligned with the WHO and WEF values, and that is whjy You Tube was scoffed up quickly after it was started, and also why numerous other sites have come online pledging to fight this dictatorial quality.

What the people need is their own Town Square Bulliten Board/Soap Box for ALL speech of any kind, separated by categories where possible, but NO censorship whatsoever, and NO Commercials whatsoever. We cannot tie free speech, a Constitutional Right and Human Right, to the Dollar. otherwise this will be dead before it starts.

The people need a place where they can speak freely, and question the validity of any claim. And it cannot be subject to any oversight except from the people themselves. And if it has topics you don't want your kids to see, then do not let them see it. It is as simple as that. And yes they will find a way to watch if they want to. It is part of growing up in an insane world, and the truth is that you cannot protect your kids from the world.

We must advance free speech and NOT quell it. We must denounce those who denounce the Constitution and Human Rights. We must not let the FEW dictate what is right for the many, or insist their views of life and the future are superior to those views of the many. We must refuse to let FEAR rule our existence. And we must develop Compassionate Action as the means to addressing every issue put to humanity. And that means forgiveness and compassion for those who run the WEF and WHO to give them the chance to evolve for the better. This way we serve as examples of what is right, rather than continuing the eye for an eye endless retribution cycle we have seen time and agiain.

Our future must be OUR FUTURE, and no other group's or person's. We must make this clear. Humanity will exercise Self Determination and not be controlled by Sociopaths and Psychopaths. This very statement is what I put on Elon's twitter age and was booted immediately. WHY? did I say something wrong? Is it not in the best interest of Humanity to have self-determination? Especially after governments have outlived their effectiveness and have proven their worthlessness..

Love and Compassion must be exercised over the old energy of WAR, HAATRED, DESTRUCTION ETC..

We can make this world Peaceful, Abundant, and Prosperous for ALL. Namaste, Edward William Case

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Life is stranger than fiction

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Could someone explain what might power these injected nanotech particles? They come with teeny tiny batteries? They somehow steal energy from metabolic processes? They use heat energy absorbed from the sun (and so don't work at night)? How would it all work?

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Sounds like an opportunity for another comedy skit...

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Yes it does! Go for it!

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You all are superstars in every way! Can NOT wait for the video! And I love Alex Stein, soooo funny!

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Mar 29, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Missed the 2+2=5 video so thanks for posting the link. You and JP and the hand sanitizer! 🤣 Glad there are some fun times for you guys.

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Tremendous! Love the approach and light-heartedness to tackle one of the heaviest subjects on planet earth...

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You remain the smartest (and handsomest-sorry Dr. Jill) guy in the room. So glad you are having some fun. Can’t wait for the new video on musk-see twitter-v.🤯

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More mirth! Less misery! 👏🏼

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