Thanks Good Sir.

At this point, I’d no sooner take any vaccine than would USS Indianapolis Shark Week-educated Robert Shaw (Quint) put on a life jacket again in “Jaws”.

Speaking of movies: Mel Gibson in “Braveheart”: “It’s well beyond rage”.

The Rebel Alliance grows.

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We now need to start accurately directing that rage at vulnerable targets. Can't rattle cages at gov agencies very well but maybe the occasional e-mail to congress critters keeping them aware the natives are getting restless will help. Just sent one to Chip Roy appreciating his targeting w.h.o. They like hearing that

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"Cause Unknown," The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 and 2022, Edward Dowd, Foreword by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. [1954- ]; Afterword by Gavin de Becker [1954- ]; Skyhorse Publishing, Inc. (2022 hardcover)

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How can the FDA be objective and unbiased when they are greatly influenced by the mRNA supporters and producers who see

These injections to be the future of the pharmaceutical industry that continues to embrace allopathic medicine as the primary solution to disease states. All you have to do is follow the money that is being invested by somewhere around 100 drug manufacturers to develop more nano drug injections.

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It's actually worse than that.

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Agree. Big Pharma is the engine that is driving the scenario, but there are plenty of bad actors that are enjoying the action.!

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It's captured into the MIC now.

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Ray McGovern terms it "MICIMATT, or Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank Complex." Now I guess we have to add a P for Pharma and another M for Medical.

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If this discussion is about big Pharma and the big picture - the picture is much, much bigger - think the world and its planners. Ever see the video "Monopoly - Who Owns the World"? I found it in 2021. It is laden with facts that are indisputable. Give it a watch and spread the link around... https://rumble.com/vn7lf5-monopoly-who-owns-the-world-must-see.html

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No, it's not.

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Every evil skill at controlling studies, controlling the peer review process, marginalizing qualified skeptics, ignoring good skeptical peer review, passing laws that the favored industry makes billions from, controlling the media, etc... was finely honed in the Global Warming field. This article has successfully red pilled many sincere academics that before reading this, only got legacy news, and NPR as their source of information. They expressed shock that dozens of presented facts, had never been talked about by their formerly trusted sources. If you know of a friend or colleague that is sincere, this article may wake them up to not only the contrived fallacy of Climate Change, but to a host of other issues as well. https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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We have the crypto con, the Covid con, the climate change con, and a host of other minor cons, all design to extract money from the brain dead.

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I've been looking for N2E + for Life . I'm assuming it will have nothing to do with the registration of airplanes.

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check me out on substack thomasabraunrph@substack.com

or google me Thomas A Braun N2E+ for Life.

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What is N2E + for Life?

I found a website titled n2e.org. Same thing? What's it got to do with airplane registration?

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Thanks for the clarification. I didn't do a computer search ending with ".org".

N2E Aircraft Registration - FlightAware


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I’m sure they are getting a cut even if only investing in these companies.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

My husband had some tests done a couple weeks ago and asked me to join him in the consult with his young Dr.

Before he discussed the results of the tests and the specialists he would make appointments for my husband, he began to badger my husband to get Covid vaxxed as he’s declined any of it since day one. Repeatedly my husband told him he was not interested in taking THIS particular therapy, as it’s not a vaccine.

I chuckled out loud when Young Doc said it’s safe and effective! I really wish you would reconsider. Still chuckling, but at a lower volume, Young Doc solicited my input.

I looked him square in the eye and said, we’ve likely had some of the variants and so we trust our wonderful God given immune systems, why on earth would we take any drug without informed consent? I think it’s quite unethical what’s happened to so many people worldwide.

He just gave me a blank stare and said fine then!

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The FDA is a failed experiment. It needs to be disbanded in total.

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Experiment? This is a wide reaching, powerful agency with the ability to shut down and raid businesses at will and more! It has been quite successful at becoming more corrupt and ineffective for decades.

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It needs to be disbanded in total."

Along with Mordor on the Potomac.

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Every COVID shot to date has been unsafe and ineffective. Meanwhile, each successive COVID variant has become less severe. The FDA’s decision will only enrich themselves and the manufacturers. The American people will continue to suffer. I refuse to go along with this.

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'Ineffective', if you mean not doing what pharma/gov/tyrants/muddled media said it would do? Then you are correct. Effective at what the eugenicists want it to do? It is quite effective, it's the media fear porn that, thus far, is ineffective at getting well-armed (well read and well gunned) Americans to accept the jab, that is ineffective.

Many of us refused to buy two minutes of the doom and gloom predictions put out by these cohesive powers of Lucifer. But that is small comfort considering the scale of the reset button-pushers grasp on the global economic engine and the compliance of our families. Central banks, privately owned and controlled thanks to a vacationing congress in 1913 and the signature of the most self-absorbed and useless puppet president ever, Woodrow Wilson, along with our pathetic feeding at the trough of consumer delights and temporary pleasures, have left us weak and pathetic.

We deserve whatever happens to us...but thanks be to God, that He, in Christ, is merciful, all eternity rejoicing when even one prodigal returns to the path paved for us by Christ.

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"We deserve whatever happens to us."

Do NOT agree. Maybe as a combined society, but not as individuals. The group is influenced by MSM, but discrete individuals are able, and DO, think on their own.

I may have capitulated and taken the two jabs, but woke up, finally.

I still don't think I DESERVE to be vaccine injured because I failed to see through the fog of propaganda from the Satanists.

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Biden Admin is still willing to murder its citizens; their claiming ignorance as they choose to delay or not investigate the blatantly obvious, does not negate their criminal liability. As they frequently say in criminal system, “ignorance is no excuse” and all need prosecuted to fullest.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

Right now, democrats are regrouping to make the 2024 election easier to steal. They have to win back 50% of voter sentiment in polling, to make another “close election” plausible to the masses. Things will “feel better” for a few months, even as BLM and Antifa go back into their violent, divisive tactics to distract everyone. Another big push will be gun confiscation, to disarm legal gun owners. After the election, when democrats “win”, the hammer will fall once again. That’s my prediction.

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Yesterday Only 18 percent of the people think we are on the right track. Unfortunately these stolen elections were never examined and pushed back against. Even with phony ballets in the wrong size paper, trucking 200 thousand plus votes from New York to Pennsylvania, having more votes than register voters all in these swing states, and on and on. The Marxist democrats will only get better at their craft especially when no one cares to investigate.

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As of right now, Gavin Newsom would be a very hard sell in my opinion. But a Trudeau-type thug is precisely what they want to install. We’ll see how short people’s memories are.

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Friend told me that exact statement the other day - close elections are good enough. The Dems only cheated a little to win.

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LOL. That was "a little?!"

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Hopefully you are wrong.

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Yeah, I’d love to be wrong.

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After nearly three years of experimenting on the American population these frauds are still using weak phony data to continue their illegal experiment on the public. Slowly but surely the 332 million Americans are starting to wake up and realize the total fraud that has been put on them and their children. It can’t be soon enough. These EUA’s placed onto babies and children while they know the horrific side effects is beyond evil. Yesterday our good friend Mary passed away. My wife and I are heart Brocken. I can only think that she was pushed to take a series of mRNA shots by her doctors and this accelerated her cancer. Mary was 64 and had 2 26 year old twin children.

I spoke to several good friends yesterday and begged them to not take any more Covid poisonous shots. I’m so worn out by all of the illnesses around me. J.Goodrich

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Nixon declared a war on cancer. Well I have heard that in wars some 40% of casualties occur from friendly fire. And that pretty well describes what the traditional cancer treatments do--a lot of friendly fire damage of non-cancerous tissue. On the other hand, snipers are on the whole more effective against the enemy and safer for their own troops in much the same way immunotherapy is in treating cancer.

I worked many years in a very well known cancer treatment facility and often had to obtain meds from the rx there. And there heard what some of that chemo costs. It would ( excuse the aphorism Dr. M.) choke a really big horse. Given what we are witnessing today re pharma, it probably would not be surprising if pharma makes a really healthy profit off chemo ( and radiotherapy isotopes).

We are seeing more and more evidence that the china flu jabs are harming immune systems and are very likely involved in recurrences of suppressed neoplasia and perhaps even playing a role in the development of new cancers by neutralizing immunosurveilance. The Dr. Walker debacle got me to thinking. What if pharma had the opportunity to inject, oh, say 80% of the world's population with an agent that could neutralize immunotherapy treatments and thereby protect one really big cash cow while utilizing another really big cash cow. Can big pharma really be that evil? The presence of a Dr. Walker in the position he holds with pfizer to my mind justifies that question.

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Thanks Dr. Nash, it’s reassuring to have an explanation of what I feel in my heart. I wish I could hear or read a long discussion on how these Covid shots effect T cells and can lead to higher cancer rates in people. I really try to learn… thanks!!!

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If you follow Jessica Rose, you may learn just that. She is smart as a whip and covers the immune system extensively. She tries to keep it simple but that is extremely hard with a system as god-like, complicated as the immune system. It truly makes a non-biology trained person wonder at it like the infinite stars in the heavens.

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Thanks I will look her up. I like to know….

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James, this one is a really good one . . . just one of many. You will see how amazingly capable and complicated the human immune system is. It is simply awe inspiring. . . and, as a mechanical engineer, I do not know a fraction of it. I can only appreciate and be so grateful God gave it to all of us!

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Thanks Red I’m reading it now.

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Well said, as always

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Heartbroken here too. Praying for comfort and peace for you and yours...

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I trust my God-given natural immune system far more than the people or the ‘science’ behind these experimental jabs. I didn’t take them for both religious and health reasons the first time. I have only grown more assured in this position since then.

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"By their actions you shall know them." It's crystal clear the falsely inflated virus and its deadly products are an operation, a weapon for political and financial purposes. The FDA is a corrupt tool. They always have been a corrupt tool of Pharma and the Rockefeller Foundation, now they aren't even pretending to be a "regulatory agency in the best interests of the population." The key players in this operation - the WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, Pharma, Gates, BlackRock, Vanguard, the Rothschilds and a few others - have zero interest in the true science or overwhelming evidence against these deadly products, or in the fact that covid isn't nearly as lethal as advertised. They aren't about to give up a multi-trillion-dollar cash cow and enormously powerful political weapon. So they have given marching orders to all their corrupt puppets - the WHO, UN, FDA, medical boards, government agencies, universities and politicians.

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When listing key players in this operation don't forget to include the US National Security Council, who sets policy for the entire show, and the US Department of Defense, who are in charge of operations for Operation Warp Speed. Under the covers this looks more like a bioterrorism project than a public health pandemic response.

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I didn't forget, I know all about DoD's role. I don't consider these agencies as senior key players. They are corrupted by the players I listed. DoD is infested with globalist tools and traitors. The entire Biden admin and half the federal government are corrupted by globalists one way or another.

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I see. Thanks for clarifying. Would it then be fair to say that your "key players" are those who share a common global technocratic totalitarian ideology and are in some sense collaborating in its pursuit?

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What role did Trump play in all of this, in your opinion? In other words, was he played ... or was he a player?

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you! Reading something recently about neutralizing antibodies, recalled you questioning its merits. I'll be seeing if we can't get this to our Dr Harris, who I think has a role in Congress re the FDA.

I'll also be interested in the effect Biden's ending the emergencies will have. It looked as if they were thinking there would be a mad rush to booster before there was a question of who would be paying for the booster.

Lots of recently hatched loose ends.

Much appreciate your keeping us informed and current. Bestest+

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“I took at least 1 dose against my will. It was unethical and scientifically bankrupt. I am not done with that error. No more." Vinay Prasad

I don't believe that a physician took this "vaccine" against his will. He may have felt coerced, but physicians always have multiple options. The rest of us, for whom it's not easy to move or find a new job, have fewer options.

My internist admitted early in the COVIDCrisis that the "pandemic" was a scam perpetrated by the drug companies. But, I'm sure he freely accepted the "vaccine." I, on the other hand, was not so foolish.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

"against will" doesn't always mean a struggling Stallone immersed in a human waste pit while inside of an ever-lowering bamboo cage

it can mean "lied to" and someone accepted the lie as goodwill, only to find out differently later; it can mean "took it to protect job/family" and didn't realize how deep the rabbit hole was; it can mean "succumbed to massive pressure applied by those around, and lots of other things.

if you didn't take a jab, well done! me and my 15 years of college to get a Ph.D. in Toxicology decided to take a single jab to retain ability to travel and feed family, regretfully. I had assumed it was at least a good faith attempt at a real vaccine, and accepted those odds.

before you high five yourself for not "being so foolish" please realize there are plenty of other things in life that you have indeed been foolish on (i'm in that camp too btw), unless you are God. also remember the author of this substack goes pretty deep on the technology, and yet he himself chose to get the jabs.

a lot of compassion is needed all around, we are all in this together

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love your Stallone metaphor. Excellent!

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Indeed. My immediate family members took the first doses and kept the info from me until later. I had to forgive for my sake.

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This Birds eye view article on Global Warming explains how folk are influenced to do the unthinkable...https://open.substack.com/pub/anderdaa7/p/global-warming?r=slvym&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

from the post...

"Beyond political power objectives, the disparate factors which influence many to accept CAGW are well studied social phenomena such as; personal wealth, Researchers in many fields know that funding is available for their department if they can attach theoretical CAGW harm to a paper. (100s of billions of dollars a year) As often quoted Upton Sinclair said “'It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.” Other known and studied bias factors are peer pressure, and social-professional ostracization, confirmation bias, noble cause corruption, misuse of the precautionary principle, and effective propaganda of repeated and false warnings of doom by many CAGW proponents. “The terrible truths of these experiments in human compliance and propensity to be beastly stand testament to the nature of the problem.”

milgram showed us how people will harm people if pressured by authority

asch showed us that people will ignore their own senses and perceptions when pressured by peer group

stanford showed us how easily humans can be egged into abuse of power

As the world grows ever smaller via human technology, human systems and corporations grow ever more global. It is logical therefore that systems of human corruption can and would also became more pervasive and global in scale. The merge of One world Government and international business is not to be trusted. These people endlessly proclaim how they are doing this for the good of the world.

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good, will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience. They may be more likely to go to Heaven, yet at the same time likelier to make a Hell of earth. This very “kindness” stings with intolerable insult. To be “cured” against one’s will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease, is to be put on a level of those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals.”

– C.S. Lewis

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So, I guess you're saying that I should have compassion for a person who knew Covid was a scam, or should have known, and decided to participate in the Covid drug experiment, and now regrets doing so. I guess I'm not compassionate with foolishness.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I'm not saying what anybody "should" do.

I AM saying a lot of compassion is needed all around, we are all in this together. I can't throw the first stone at the group of "people who have done foolish things in their past," regardless of what my covid injection status might be.

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Fortunately, some of us are not beholden to Christian mythology. I can throw the first of many stones. This man is a physician. He and his colleagues are bribed incessantly by drug companies. He knew quite well that he was bought and paid for by Pharma. When he said that he was "forced into it," he meant that Pfizer or Moderna or J&J threatened to cut him off from their boondoggles and other niceties.

You need to overturn a few merchant tables like your "lord" did. Go ahead. He'll let you

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There are many disparate factors of influence, and very different levels of culpability. Many felt wrong about things but have an innocent foolish trust in the system. Speaking up now, is far better than never speaking up. The early confessors get the best plea deal.. https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/is-the-fda-doubling-down-on-a-failed/comment/12407566

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Please do not judge yourself. We all (since we are in this together) were in a spectrum of seeing from blind to clarity. People were blinded with fear and would relieve that pain by doing what is against their good like taking a narcotic to relieve a hurting pinkie that has a first degree burn. Karma is impersonal. Consequences are real. Judging is not helpful to oneself or anybody. I know two people who died post boosters. No use blaming them for being dead.

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Thanks Dr Malone for making this struggle seem hopeful. FDA stands for fucking dumb asses,still working from home in their pajamas. The saddest thing of all is the lack of infiltration for their capture by big pharma to more of people who would change their minds if only they knew. Denial is a powerful force for protection of the ego and takes overwhelming exposure or crisis to break through. Although the process moves slowly your efforts will help turn the tide toward facts and reality.

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CDC is still working from home too.

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They don't want the plebes "gossiping" amongst themselves at the watercolor about the complete shitshow of leadership.

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Wow! Was unaware.

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Cuckholded FDA will keep “approving” (but not licensing) newer, bigger, shinier EUA ‘hammers’ to nail viral ‘flies’ to the wall of human misery USG created... and CDC will continue to attempt to mandate these expensive ‘hammers’ to create post-retirement sinecures for corrupt government “scientists” in hugely profitable Big Pharma.

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Thanks for making me look up "sinecure"; great word choice.

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I find what our USA public health agencies are doing is unethical and immoral in the least. And these agencies need to be investigated for possible criminal activities, like excepting bribes for favorable rulings.

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I hope more people begin to see this war for what it is. Only politicians and lawyers would think to risk everything to capture an enemy and bring them back to home territory in order to investigate their actions and attempt prosecution. After all - it IS a war, isn't it? YKWIM?

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Not that it should surprise anyone, but the FDA's vote just re-confirmed their absolute lack of credibility and their abject corruptness.

One comment in the article stood out for me:

"“We’re using poor man’s immune correlates of protection here -- or poor person’s immune correlates of protection with antibody levels.”

The speaker quoted could not even get out of the way of his virtue signaling wokeness when he caught himself committing the cardinal sin of using a perfectly acceptable "...man's..." instead of the woke-perfect "...person's..." How stupid.

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Jan 31, 2023·edited Jan 31, 2023

I hope everyone here goes and watches the 6-minute video on Twitter by MIT professor Retsef Levi, based on Israeli data, saying the mRNA “vaccine” programs around the world need to be stopped as they have failed at every goal of the program.

Here is an article from yesterday about it, with links as well as a full transcript:


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