I cited that disinformation-crushing Brazil study in a recent conversation I had with a pharmacist. I shared this story at a recent Steve Kirsch post, but I think it bears repeating here as it’s something anyone can do to start red-pilling key figures.

I had gotten a prescription for IVM from an FLCCC provider (https://covid19criticalcare.com/ivermectin-in-covid-19/covid-19-care-providers/), and I had them call it into my standard mail-order pharmacy. They said they couldn’t fill it because they don’t do compound meds, but they forwarded me to the pharmacist to discuss the details.

I spontaneously decided to ask the pharmacist what he thought about ivermectin as part of an early treatment protocol for COVID. He stammered out a few propaganda talking points, such as studies about IVM being dangerous in high doses and that you have to take high doses for it to be effective. I asked if he’d heard about the recent Brazil study demonstrating its effectiveness in a population of 223,000. I mentioned its record of efficacy in Uttar Pradesh, Africa, and Japan. I asked if he was aware that it had a 40-year track record of safety and had been shown by numerous peer-reviewed studies to be highly effective against COVID. When he mentioned hearing things about ivermectin on the news, I mentioned that that was disinformation propaganda being funded by pharmaceutical corporations because having people know there is a safe, cheap, and effective medication available for treating COVID threatens their billion-dollar vaccine profits.

He mentioned that he generally follows information from the CDC, and I asked him if he knew what regulatory capture was. He did not. I then said if I can plant one seed to please read "The Real Anthony Fauci" to understand the degree of the corruption, propaganda, and disinformation coming from the pharmaceutical industry and allied agencies.

The pharmacist seemed genuinely interested and said he was going to look into it that afternoon. Asking a few simple questions, planting the seeds of doubt, and pointing him to some studies and the RFK Jr. book appeared to have had an impact on his attitude toward ivermectin and the larger corruption the coverup about its efficacy pointed to.

If we can engage in simple conversations like this with everyday people who are solely being exposed to propaganda—especially those in the health care industry—we may be able to have a ripple effect across the world population.

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Apparently some national drug chains like CVS and Rite Aid have gotten nationwide communications to their pharmacists to question and oppose the filling of Ivermectin prescriptions. Some recommend Costco and the groups who spoke at Senator Johnson's hearing would probably direct patients to the most efficacious outlets for it. It's not bad enough that whole inventories have been destroyed, and the charges for it are way out of sync with the cost, but to deny access is borderline criminal.

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Agreed, except I’d omit “borderline.”

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It's not borderline criminal, it is criminal. We can not get it anywhere in the UK. I have ordered 60x12mg IV pills for over $300 from India. When they trashed HCQ almost 2 years ago it was a major red flag for me. This is out of control, Big Pharma and Government collusion, to reap big profits and damage their citizens.

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It's the only way they can justify emergency authorizations for the vax. There can't be viable therapies. Since there are, the only way to maintain the vax fraud is to prohibit viable therapies.

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We can all share the International and Domestic US physicians and pharmacies directory provided by Dr. Pierre Kory's FLCCC.

Many US physicians are licensed to practice in multiple states by region and offer telemed appts strictly to offset the covid treatment bans on therapeutics. I had an excellent physician out of FL (poor guy was yawning during the 8pm appt) who was thorough with intake. Absolutely committed to providing the time needed to review not only medical history but all my supplements. He kindly adjusted doses, made recommendations, and then prescribed IVM to a compound pharmacy I'd found in the directory. His cost was $60. Drugs were more $$ but I needed the full treatment.





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I was overjoyed last week to get a prescription for Ivermectin.

It was sent to a local Kroger here in a suburb of Columbus OH

They called to say that they didn't have a supply.

I called Edenbridge Pharma the only domestic manufactures of IVM in the US. FDA approved. They have adequate supply.


They gave me the name of three pharmacies in the area. I called all three. One of the three had 10, 3 mg IVM tablets. It was a Kroger store some distance away. A local pharmacy in a rural area, from the list of 3, possibly could be persuaded to order IVM and dispense it.

I went to the local Kroger where I had the prescription and the pharmacist said I have no power. Call the corporate office. I have been distracted but need to call corporate offices and see if they can give a reason that they don't order and sell IVM for covid

I found out about Edenbridge from this flccc.net publication


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I don’t know. If you get the prescription filled, terrific.

But I wouldn’t advertise it on the internets . . . .

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Good point. I will visit the small rural pharmacy and show him that it is an opportunity. Also, I will add it to the flccc.net data base. They only show two pharmacies for Ohio. One is very close, they compound - i.e., make the pill, and they charge $7 per pill. Can make it large like 12 mg. Not sure about what they can do. Also no prescription.

When the doctor sent in the prescription he sent in a Good RX coupon It is for $51.11 for 40 3 mg tablets. Those are probably from Edenbridge who sells only 3 mg

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Water is dangerous in high doses. The solution for water or ivm is don't take high doses. The frightened pharmacist is aware that every other medicine he issues is dangerous if overdosed. What he really fears is having his license revoked by criminally insane politicized licensing boards who have orders from pfizers medical stooges that there are no effective therapies for covid, which would preclude their "emergency" authorizations and liability waivers. That's what really needs to be fixed, and prosecuted.

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Yes, I completely agree. I had a work call with a co-worker I completely respect but we have very different opinions on most things political. As part of all our work calls we always engage in a bit of personal talk, our animals, etc. However, this last Friday I imbued upon her as much as I have learned and could retain from Dr. Malone and RFK, Jr.’s book. The silence on the other end was shocking and I almost thought she either had hung up on me or was preparing her rebuttal. Instead, after the awkward silence she says: “It’s Dr. Robert Malone, right?”. She wrote it down and was confirming she got his name correct.

Mind you, she is of Chinese heritage and was in line asap for her jabs. Her intelligence and respect to listen objectively to me was a complete win! And confirmed even the hardest left leaning, crunchy chewy from Washington State, innately knows something is alarmingly amiss.

Thank you Dr. Malone. I believe your diligent and unwavering leadership in this battle is unmistakably honorable and will ultimately be recognized and rewarded. ❤️

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This was the protocol distributed in India: https://imgur.com/gallery/gyzld4N I posted it on Imgur a few weeks ago publicly, someone said be prepared for downvotes.

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I couldn't agree more. Its a little like the Shawshank Redemption - it took Andy a couple of decades to whittle his way through the wall... but he got through it.

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Excellent job, MAA!! And I hope you got your IVM. I promoted RFK Jr.'s Fauci book with a rep at our health insurance administrator last week. She was quite interested and very open to what I shared. You're spot on about engaging anyone and everyone in these simple conversations.

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Donate your books to those little neighborhood library boxes.

If you reach just one neighbor . . . .

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Great idea, but we don't have any neighborhood boxes. Plus, the RFK and Breggin books are on Kindle!

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Well, I was speaking to the general you that purchases print.

I ordered my copy of TRAF weeks ago and have just been notified that it’s finally shipped.

Looking forward to reading it—and then passing it on!

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Prepare to be angry, VERY angry when you start reading. Steve Kirsch has a Substack with a quick review of it that's worth reading. It's a big book and I've still not finished it. I have to take breaks from the outrage I feel while reading it. We have a completely lawless and totally corrupt government and RFK has the proof.

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Well done!!

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Excellent!! What a heartening story!

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The only News commentators that will share this are, Jesse Waters, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingram.

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and Steve Bannon and Epoch Times (Jan)

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Joe Rogan?

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I hope I am wrong but I think he has been cowed into submission 🙁

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I guess we’ll have to wait to see if any future episodes occur, but the Joe Rogan Experience episodes regarding CoVid19 have not been taken down and are still available in full for viewing on Spotify:

JRE #1747 Dr. Peter McCullough

JRE #1757 Dr Robert Malone

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My Senior friends used both drugs prophylacticly and after 20 months acquired the virus and had little adverse effects and did well! I used no drugs and boosted immune system response with supplements C, D, Z and O2 and beat it! Time to stop the mono Fauci $$ approach to hospital treatment!

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Many thanks for your data-driven, non-political posts - they're priceless as are you and other doctors and scientists who have the courage to keep wading through the murk in spite of the inconceivable risks.

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ThAnk you sO much for this!! This is fantAstic. I can't waiT to hear my Neuro's response to this, as 'they' literally laughed at me when I brought the topic of early treatment up just last week. Stated how "Toxic" Ivermectin (and Hydroxycloroquin) is, how it's "Not FDA Approved" for treating Covid, and how "That would be prescribing it off-label, and you just can't do that!"...plus about 30min more of absolute crAzy talk. I seriously did noT recognize my doctor during that conversation. Creepiest and saddest discussion eVer, as we've had an extremely close relationship, friendship even, for 10+ years. Can't waiT to get 'their' response, hehe... Thanks again, Dr. Malone!! You Rock!! : )

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Time to find a new neurologist! But good luck. They are all in a mass formation. Thankfully, I found a new PCP last week - a NP who is at least open and was wow-ed by my Vit D level and my level of organization bringing lab work and other info to the appt. She's part of the mask cult so I decided not to push that at the first visit! Truly, it's appalling that you got the same propaganda I got last September from my former PCP, now 4 months later.

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ThAnks Birdingmom!! Yeahhh...been telling myself that ever since my last flare-up when I fiRst noticed odd behavioral and treatment style changes with my Neuro, whiiiCH recently hit me - started Nov/Dec 2019, into Jan/Feb 2020. PerhAps the pLandemic psychosis, mass formation, had already begun being imbedded in 'their' brain.?. It iS all so vERY appalling.

Good luck to you with your new NP! Have you looked into Naturopathic Doctors by chance? If not, you sO should. Utilizing 'Functional Medicine' ideology, they seriously look for the aCtual root cause of issues, then treat thE issues...unlike our lovely mainstream medicine style of treating the syMptoms, and OH, preferring noT to find the aCtual root cause, cuz thEN they won't get to enjoy you as a continued paying customer for Life!! ANYhooo...my Neuro actually suggested I see one, even a Naturopathic Neuro if possible, in conjunction wiTH 'them' (which is why I've loVed my Neuro - very open to alternative medicine, very cautious in terms if meds, espEcially nEW meds, and which makes the entiRe situation with 'them' thAT more weird, OFF!!). Sighhh... So that's the route I'm headed, which will be a blessing in disguise. Big hugs to you!! : )

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There is a functional med NP here that I've worked with before but I didn't like her approach - lots of tests and expensive nutraceuticals. She also couldn't explain some of the test results which gave me no confidence. My pharmacist/menopausal clinician is the person I go to when I need help. My former PCP told me to stop supplementing Vit D when my levels came back in the 70s. In the middle of covid! I ignored her. My new PCP/NP was looking through the lab work copies I brought and said, "Your Vit D level is amazing!" I knew then I'd found someone I could work with - probably as long as I stay away from trying to break into the psychosis of the covid narrative. But at least with someone like her, there is a chance she will eventually see the truth. They really have been hypnotized. Dr. Dan Stock is a functional medicine physician who did some educational videos and whose viral video before a school board I saw months ago. But he's about 3 hours from me and I'm not willing to drive that far! He's probably deluged with new patients now anyway! 😺

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Sharing ! Thanks Dr. Malone! #TruthBeTold ;)

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Thank you! This is excellent, and damning. I will post it on GETTR.

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Thanks for the supporting data! My spouse and I can attest to the efficacy of prophylactic IVM for about 6 months, it eventually became too expensive and we held onto some in case we became infected. We also tried HCQ prophylactically. We are both considered higher risk due to autoimmune issues (ONE of several reasons why neither of us will not get these jabs.), I had already been taking zinc, D3, C, Quercetin, NAC and melatonin every day for years (my spouse got on board after both Drs. Kory and McCullough recommended) and we both use a reduced Provo-iodine solution nasal rinse and gargle any day we have been out in public. To say I am disappointed in our own doctors, the hospitals and agencies is a MASSIVE understatement. I have learned that I am my own best advocate, and I will continue to be so.

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But when you try to get Ivermectin prescribed as prophylaxis it’s hellishly expensive because most pharmacies won’t dispense and most doctors won’t prescribe. I ended up getting a “just in case” prescription though push net which cost $250 for 5 day supply . It’s insane.

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I have to admit that I called several FLCCC doctors and asked their charges, how will they help me if I'm ill, will they find me the cheapest pharmacy, etc. It took 5 tries and I found the doctor I could work with.

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If you could let me know who that is I'd like to pass on the info to others.

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I believe a doctor involved with Myfreedoctor was at the 2nd Opinion Senate hearing.

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I use My Free Doctor!

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It's so important to have a supply on hand...as soon as I tested positive for Covid in January 2022 (after 6 days of symptoms, it took that long to get a PCR test), I took my ivermectin that I had ordered a year ago when it was easier and cheaper to get and am so glad I had it as I was clearly on my own. My first attempt to get an appt with Frontline Doctors got cancelled after 7 days...they were too busy. My second attempt was to skip the doctor consultation and I got a call from a pharmacy the next day and now have replenished my supply though double ($200) what I paid for it a year ago. Everyone should have a supply on hand .....early treatment is so important. By the way, my healthcare provider's only follow-up to my positive test result was to tell me I couldn't go out for 2 weeks....no treatment recommendations whatsoever.

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I'm glad I had it on hand when I got Covid in December. But I couldn't afford to use it as prophylaxis. I'd ordered last July. Paid $99 for telemed email (not even a call) and $250 for the prescription. How many people can afford that? People are dying because they can't get this medicine. It's criminal.

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Yes, Ivermectin is so expensive, its best to save it until you know you have covid. Our strategy was to follow the Zelenko Prophylaxis Protocol and take quercetin/zinc/vit D/vit C whenever we were feeling rundown all last year. Hoping more sources of ivermectin become available (NH State has a bill in committee to sell it over the counter....fingers crossed!)

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Thank you. It's all in the data.

Funny how everything from our health to banking and entertainment or shopping experiences and comms are surveilled 24/7 under the most technologically advanced data collection system ever imagined, ripe with the most banal events in society - a pic of your pancakes immortalized in FB algorithms forever - but we couldn't capture the most significant data collection ever needed in modern history in real time, not just the jabs and patient reaction, but all therapeutics used and the results.

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Thank You!! Shared on FB, GETTR, and FreeTalk 45. Also shared via email and text❤️‍🩹🇺🇸🇨🇦🌎

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The problem is the bought and paid for Jab Science will discount the study. America is under Marxist control.

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I would say fascist and authoritarian control

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Look at what is happening in Canada. It's Marxism 101.

Woke Commie Government + Woke Commie GFM Corporation.

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More or less the same....

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Where would we be if every doctor obediently followed Fauci? Where would we be if we didn’t have people like Drs. Malone, Cole, McCullough, Zelenko, Kory, and others who risked everything both in treating patients and educating the public who would listen? Where would the patients be if they weren’t treated by these doctors? Would we all have taken the vaccines if we weren’t warned by the likes of Drs. Tenpenny and Merrit? Would we all be accepting Remdesivir as a treatment if people like Dr. Brian Ardis had not vehemently spoken out about its dangers? I hate to think!

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Without any discussions I never would have taken any injectable drug like these jabs without long-term studies.


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These jabs are one of the biggest scams in human history.

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So definitely true. With much gratitude, we are provided withe real data and statistics as well as on going offerings of how to operate in this broken society to obtain the medicine and early treatments as well as the roadmap to procurement. We have learned a monumental information since “2 week quarantine to FLATTEN THE CURVE”.

Gratitude soars with data, graphs and charts you provide Dr. Malone. And it’s my duty to pass valuable truths/contacts to close acquaintances. Sad, our nation plays us like fiddles. Sadly, with a true onset of illness…. Not related to Covid, it is just not an option to

Confide in your doctor for fear of testing and hospitalization. The unvaccinated WILL

Not be safe. God Bless all Frontline contributors… let’s remember Zelenko, Dr. Mobeen, etc.

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If it wasn’t for these doctors I would not have known how to get Ivermectin and HCQ, or even known it works.

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It will be interesting to see how they spin this one. My guess is that they won’t touch it with a ten foot pole, much like last week’s Johns Hoskins study saying that the lock-downs were ill-founded. Total crickets…

Their strategy is clear. It’s either:

- deny, deny, deny OR

- ignore, ignore, ignore

But the true damage of all this is not the economic damage or even the devastatingly needless loss life and associated injuries.

It is the complete destruction of the foundational principles undergirding science and medicine, I.e., informed consent…

Never again can anyone reasonably rely on the considered opinions of the science and medical establishment. That hard fought capital has been obliterated.

Future generations will look at these as very dark times when egos replaced ethics and politics replaced reason.

It’s common sense to say when in a hole, stop digging. But these moralless criminals can’t bring themselves to do that. They know full well that if they stop, they and their reprehensible reputations will be buried in an immense firestorm of scorn - as it should be.

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Brilliant summary. The medical fraternity, our Governments, our Regulators, our Main Stream Media, is rotten to the core. The WHO, the UN, the CDC, FDA, MHRA, the medical journals, Lancet, BMJ, etc. NHS, all busted. What's behind all of this ? the WEF, Davos multi billionaires, especially BG, who want to...well, let's put this politely; get rid of most of us.

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The issue is simple: this facade of elitist “expertise” (that you documented) is based entirely on lies….

Any house built on sand cannot stand…I heard that a guy who seemed to have it to together said that once…. Sounded like good advice.

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Bullies -- of doctors, hospitals, grocery stores, pharmacies, Big Pharma, Inc., media, politicians and me

Hospitals have to go along so they are covered legally and can get a bonus

Politicians get money. Media gets ad revenue, and so forth

A house of cards

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question, I believe in natural immunity, I also see friends who get it again, some rough gos with it... evidently it varies with individuals.. personally I don't think the vax is a vax, or was ever needed. herd immunity etc... no shutdowns would have sufficed.

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