Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for your tireless, extreme effort to save humanity and preserve freedom!!!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Stay strong and keep at it Doc.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I have learned more from you than any other source. Thank you. I look forward to the essays, and share them often. I engage others with what I’ve learned, listening and reading your content. It’s especially fun to trump their arguments with; “ Dr. Malone’s name is on the patent, I’m pretty sure he knows a little about it” lol. Thanks for everything you and your wife, and team do. Keep fighting, we are with you!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Fantastic and beyond most truth seekers ability! When will critical mass be achieved and there will be an explosion of truth that will stop this mRNA madness? We need deep state whistleblowers to raise their hand! Amnesty to them!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am so happy to have been with you on this fight for freedom. You two are amazing and I am grateful to your dedication and perseverance.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you both - you have found your calling. Carry on in the battle. I will continue praying for you

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This makes me so incredibly happy! You have been the warrior of all warriors, and the numbers prove it. You are my hero.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Bravissimo Good Sir!

Tears in my eyes.

Dr. Malone, more than anyone else, puts the secret password qua firewall out there for all to see and hear nearly every time he appears:

“Think For Yourself”.

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"I do not seek to be “the leader” and never have, and I suggest that any who seek that role are (by definition) both not qualified to assume it and intrinsically dangerous to the whole."

Truer words never spoken - this battle belongs to ALL who are willing to do their part, however "small" it may seem to be, for in that way, we continue to multiply our numbers!!

"For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function..." Romans 12:4

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The unimprovable passage from Romans is simultaneously the most comprehensive and beautiful description of the “Diversity” the bleating, braying Letlftists think they invented.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Because my sons were born just a few years after you, I can dare to say this. You must keep your physical, mental and emotional stress levels down. I think the measures you have taken with the studio, the farm assistance and the hired help will allow this. Follow your doc’s instructions on diet, rest your mind and body at least twice daily and continue to absorb the immense pleasure your animals offer. Don’t feel you must post in your substack daily if other matters are pressing. Now, march on and take It to Them. We are there beside you!

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I agree with you and, some people with a mission sacrifice some of longevity for what is needed now. Edgar Cayce was told from his "spiritual advisors" that he had a choice; work less, live longer or visa versa. He chose to work...

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My grandfather worked long stressful hours during world war two as chief of wartime construction. Died at 71. The rest of my family for two centuries made it past 80.

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Said like a mom

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I am always amazed at your depth of knowledge. I would love some day to pick your brain. I always find myself many steps behind you. I follow as much as I can of this sub- stack and your posts on telegram. You have opened my eyes to so much. Your book is amazing. I will be scanning one of the chapters tomorrow to send to a non believer. We were very close in dental school, but, he is totally captured by the propaganda. He thinks I'm crazy. Keep up the good fight. And hopefully I can be one of those decentralized leaders. Thanks

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you already are.

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If I recall, Dr. Malone said the Telegram channel is not his, but someone else’s using his name and reaping ad revenue. Will need some verification on that; however, I am quite sure he said he was never on Telegram.

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There are many high profile people on telegram including Dr. Malone. There are pages that have used his and others names. He saw and read my post, commented and made no mention of telegram. He does have a page and there are Also counterfeit pages.

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Yes - I regularly use telegram and followed him there until he said he is not personally on telegram - it’s someone else. His words. Just saying

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Happy to be a paid subscriber. Thank you for being a beacon of hope

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

When do we start taking the fight to the administrative state? I mean, as "the common man."

I already do everything I can imagine...directing my funds, sharing wherever I go, voting intelligently, encourage others to educate themselves, have regular meetings with groups of people...I don't feel like it is enough.

And this battle is not one that will be fought with guns and bombs or other physical weapons.

In every group I work with...this is the most asked question, which means my answer is lacking as well.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I recognize myself that it is not enough to share my views with those who agree with my views.

I am always looking for ways to convince others who took the jab to think for themselves and investigate further before taking another jab.

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I agree. The people and groups I share with were previously not of the same mindset, for the most part. Some are still on the fence. But, then again, I'm talking about a LOT more than just covid or the "vaccines." In fact, the bulk of what I'm sharing is related to UN agenda 21 (30 & 50), because that, I believe, is what must be dismantled. It is the driver for everything we are experiencing. This also includes all UN orgs, soros orgs, wef...all of it. Because that is where it all began. Actually, it began before that, but UN agenda 21 was the first formally documented effort. As you may imagine, it takes a LOT to go through it all with people that have never heard of it before.

If you study it, you'll see. And "climate change" is their political power lever.

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This Neil Oliver piece is very timely in regard to my response to Fred's comment below.


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Well worth watching

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Neil was on fire tonight! Love this man. I look for his monologue each week. Thanks for sharing the link as it's always a struggle to find it quickly on YT.

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Feb 5, 2023·edited Feb 5, 2023

The people that I know who were vaccinated early on and still hold their flawed views have become more and more irrational as the truth becomes obvious. It must have been a phenomenon observed by Lewis Carroll , the mathematician, who wrote, "Through the looking glass." People in this category reaffirm their views with each other, the same way that we do. But have no basis on which to found their ideas. And it is not only irrationality on vaccine safety, it is a disease that affects many aspects of their thought, such as political views and climate change. And they think we are all radical and basically stupid. Brett and Heather discussed this issue on Darkhorse couple of weeks ago and broke down specifically why we are right and they are wring. It was objective form both viewpoints, but considered facts.

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I used to like Judicial Watch for an organization that really makes the Deep State squirm. Now Stephen Miller's America First foundation is also using the law to bring these petty tyrants to heel and pry open their secrets.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Keep up the great work. You both are on the right side of history.

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the two of you have been my trusted source thruout the pandemic. The calm, reasoned, and incredibly articulate and informed information you have put forth have given me hope thru these dark times. You cannot possibly know how grateful I am. I feel tremendous love for you both.

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Feb 4, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Love it! Love it! Love it! Can't wait to listen to the podcasts.

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