Daniel, that is an excellent brain dump! You summarized the changes as I remember them. This election may be our last chance to change the trajectory of our country away from a Uniparty run by elite donors.

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I cannot find any part of this essay with which I find fault or disagree. I am a septuagenarian Boomer who has lived through......well, you know the last 70+ years of U.S. economic/ political history. Daniel very accurately describes Trump's appeal - the political void that PDJT recognized and filled brilliantly - and Trump's political juxtaposition vs. the Uniparty (the blending of the Republican's and Democrat's focus on big money corporate interests. Thanks to Dr. Malone for spotting this most excellent article and re-posting here for Malone's Army to read,,,,

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I’m 80+ and agree with you. Some over simplifications but great analysis.

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I keep thinking of a comment made by Gen Mike Flynn- my question was “ what do you think about the book of Revelation ?”

His response is easy to remember - “ 12 words- things are bad now, they are going to get worse, God wins”

This long view does not minimize the general validity of the opinions in one man’s brain dump. Politics is usually choosing between two flawed candidates. Trump is no rose, but Harris is ….. choose your own description

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Yes, my Daughter keeps reminding me that: “God Wins”! Amen!

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Yeah, think He may have planned it that way? He won when he rose from that tomb. Boom. Done deal.

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Long story short. The republicans always compromised. The democrats didn’t. That’s how we wound up where we are.

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Republicans in power sat on their thumbs, and allowed the commies to walk right in.

I remember we had the presidency and both houses.

I remember Mitch "the bitch" Chinaman Mconnell had a bill on his desk in 2019 which would have solidified the hardening of the voting process, limiting the availability for rampant fraud. It never got past his desk.

I blame republicans for allowing this. We appointed them to curtail this, and they blatenly ignored their responsibilities

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Yup. Based on the ingress of subtle socialism, communism, wokism, and racial-awareness-ism, I will opine that for the last 60 years the Republicans have quietly given sacred ground to the Dems, public educators, and unions who, in turn, have given sacred ground to the enemies of Liberty & Freedom.

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I clearly remember, a few years back, watching a video from the 1950's, which was recorded during either house or senate hearings, where a gentleman stood before all, and spewed a long winded speech about how the US was being infiltrated by communists, and would be attacked on multiple fronts, including education, media and internally in the govt bodies, themselves.

We have been warned, time and time again. If I am aware of this, then you can be sure these shitheads who betrayed every last one of us, also knew.

Hate is a very powerful word, and its slowly becoming engrained in my being. I hope we can stop this before those feelings solidify

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I will second that.

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my neighbor sent this over, another warning from the past: ". . . and that's the REST of the story."


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The media tried their best to ostracize McCarthy. He may have been zealous but he was right. There is a documentary on the Epoch Times that outlines and details known plots to infiltrate the west through academia, then media. This has been happening right under everyone’s nose but instead of calling ppl who voiced concerns racists they were shunned as paranoid McCarthyites. Pseudo intellectuals from way back in the early 20th century saw socialism and communism as more intelligent; intellectually honest and a rejection of the Judeo-Christian beliefs as antiquated. Science was totally taken over by atheistic,modern day intellectuals.

Now we are tasked with rooting out the rot.

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Great find...

Too bad only a small portion of us listened to him.

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This is not the last chance, but it's the last civil chance.

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Harris is a full fledged commie bastard.

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And her running mate is an evil twin in corruption...🤨

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I believe you are sugar coating this. Way beyond evil.

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Wow what a super summary of the pile of dog poop the US finds itself in today. So very interesting and it makes it worth the effort to take a look back with fresh eyes to see the path the country has journeyed down. I will look for books on both sides of the issues written during some of the events he talks about - 2008, Hilary and her server and going back further into the early 2000s and late 1990. Those who dont know their history are bound to repeat it. I have a love/hate relationship with Trump but I agree absolutely with Daniel’s observations. What a great FU to the ‘political class’ and to the ‘donor class’. Thank you Daniel for your thoughts and to you Robert for sharing.

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As I read this, I remembered the decades from the 90’s on, and remembering how I was faring through each one. I knew Trump made a drastic change and was waiting for him to burst onto the scene and make drastic changes despite everyone hating him. One thing I learned about Trump. Recently he said it doesn’t matter how great your architect is, what matters is how skilled the brick layer is. I realized that he didn’t recognize classes for political reasons. He knew the value of people from life experience, and recognized the ignored constituency.

Thanks Daniel and Robert

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Yeah DJT preferred to hang with the construction guys on the properties that his father developed than NY socialites.

I never liked Trump and couldn’t understand why ppl would seek his opinions. What won me over was a closing line from one of his early campaign speeches in 2016. He was discussing the “dreamers” issue and ended by noting that Americans are dreamers too. I knew then that this was a man I could relate to, that understood how and why so many working class ppl felt disenfranchised by a federal govt run amok. He was kinda hard on Obama and ppl took that to mean he was a bigot. Hell I hated most of Obama’s policies but was very happy to see that a black man was elected. I had high hopes that maybe the divide between white and nonwhite ppl might finally be bridged. Such a disappointment. Obama is a smart guy. I just differ on almost every issue with him, skin color not withstanding.

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I felt the same way, that the first black President was something to celebrate. And he took out Bin Laden.

I couldn’t think of voting for Trump. I was voting for Cruz but he had to drop out. Only one left was Hillary. I tried, but she crossed my red lines. The ballot for Trump lay on the kitchen table for a week until I asked my husband to sign the envelope and mail it. After a few months, I realized I liked what he was doing. I didn’t have to like him. And I never read his Twitter. BTW, the business in Manhattan was not his father’s, who stayed in Queens. Donald Trump had bigger aspirations, and moved to the city to meet “the movers and shakers.” Rest is history.

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Beg to differ with you. Obama is not a smart guy. He just was masterful on how to work people and the system with his smooth talking. His "fundamentally change America" was exactly what he set out to do. I will be turning 71 in a couple of months and never remember as much of a racial divide in this country until Obama became president, and I grew up in the 60's and 70's. You would think having a black president elected would unify the country, but instead he set out to remind everyone constantly of what he thought were our differences. I don't think anyone ever made more money at the expense of destroying a country than Obama. Came into office as a community activist making an average salary and left with millions. Someone please explain how that happens.

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Good points. We’re about the same age. I had the blessing of parents that were decidedly not bigots. We had black ppl stay in our home from time to time and some of our neighbors really disdained us for it.

My mother thought they were white trash anyway so we called it even.

I think Obama was smart with his “working” of ppl. Off script he was less charismatic and of course there were the moments he and Michelle thought their comments couldn’t be heard. He used every opportunity to drive a wedge btwn white and nonwhite ppl. Unfortunately it was very effective. That is racist. Trump was misquoted to seem racist when he did work toward bringing ppl together. When he bought Mar-A-Lago it, like most other clubs and resorts in palm beach were WASP’s only. He sued the city for discrimination and won. He is the only man to occupy the Oval Office and leave poorer than when he took it. He also donated his salary to different charities.

He’s abrasive and cringy but honestly does care about the working people and America. I don’t see how that’s a bad thing. I’m not looking to date the guy, I just want someone in that office who puts our interests first. Who isn’t gonna take our tax dollars and then stab us in the back. TDS is a real psychiatric disorder. I never thought I’d live to see the day when it would be dangerous to show support for a candidate but it sure got a lot of ppl beat up to show support for Trump. Especially in 2016 thanks in part to comments from Hillary, Maxine Waters and almost every MSM outlet. Obama may have caused an irreparable schism in America, something he’s proud of.

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you point out a very important issue - no longer can you show support for the candidate of your choice or issue of your choice without risking life and limb. Wearing anything supporting Trump or putting a Trump bumper sticker on your car could get you hurt, killed and/or your vehicle vandalized. I only express my opinions around people who are open minded and can agree to disagree. Unfortunately, the grown ups have left the room/country

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In 2016 I still had a very young daughter and was too worried about being attacked if I put any stickers or messages supporting Trump. That was very disturbing and not the same country I grew up in.

That’s not to say there wasn’t violent crime or even still race driven violence. It wasn’t acceptable then and still isn’t. If a Republican went around saying any of the stupid things Hillary or Maxine W said there’d be an investigation and charges filed. The MSM would have replayed it ad nauseam.

The two tiered application of laws and standards is just blatant. I blame complacent RINO’s and indoctrinated liberals for the septic tank we’re in. It’s disappointing to say the least.

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Trump left Queens where his father had a solid business for Manhattan when he graduated from college. He saw opportunity there that wasn’t in Queens. His father didn’t agree, but Donald Trump moved to Manhattan without his Dad’s approval. He had to make connections to begin his dream of success in the Big Apple. Rest is history.

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He did turn what he inherited into quite an empire. I remember an SNL skit about him and Ivana (?) that was a parody on the the old story about The Gift. He secretly sold their yacht to buy her Ghiberti’s bronze doors for Mar A Lago which she sold to buy a golden anchor for the yacht. I think it was called “A Trump Christmas”.

At the time it was funny. Of course that was back when SNL was still funny.

We are about the same age. I just had kids pretty late in life. I too voted for Ted Cruz in the primaries. I didn’t believe Trump could actually win. My loathing for Hillary made me nervous and almost desperate about the whole affair. I was pleasantly surprised when I started to listen to what he was saying.

Given the insanity of the democrat machine I wouldn’t be shocked if the recent assassination attempt wasn’t coordinated. As per usual the sacrificial lamb was the director of the SS. Not particularly sympathetic toward her or any of the DEI champions. I like RFK Jr. I know he has some big flaws but he’s on the same page when it comes to important things. He wrote and posted a lengthy essay on Substack and while he has stopped his campaign he hasn’t fully dropped out. I don’t live in a swing state so I think I might still vote for him. You should read it if you get the chance.

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Michelle, - Cute, but consider the importance of both "architect" and "brick layer". Decisions do not have to always be either/or. Both/and can work creatively.

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Absolutely! The point was that Trump said this, likely from his real estate magnate experience building the skyline of NYC. Placing value on the one most would consider having less skill. I realized thats how he developed respect for workers that other politicians look down on.

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I think you missed the point. They both have to be equally talented or you’ve lost your profit. The architect’s.

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This is what I have been trying to get across to my democrat friends. They vote like it's the 1980's democrats their voting for. They think they know what's going on but if I ask them something about the Twitter files, the FISA abuses etc.. Blank slates.

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MSNBC/CNN/ every established MSM outlet working overtime to scrub and “spin” everything.

You can’t handle the truth and they don’t like it so...

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Thanks for sharing that excellent brain dump! I hope you are right that Trump can win. But the Democrat machine is pretty powerful and they will stop at nothing. The lawfare was falling apart. The assassination failed. Now they are jazzing up the lawfare again. The legacy and social media had a brief moment in time when they had their head out of their butts, but it was a very brief moment. Now they are supercharged against conservatives and Trump.

I pray, Daniel, that you are right about the power of we, the regular people.

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I’m concerned that the one thing they can do is supplant us at the ballot box. (Why do Democrats think it’s ok to have non citizens vote in my place? They chat about it on Substack!)

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Arrogance and foolishness.

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What a commentary! I might not agree with everything as exactly stated -- but most of itI do. He's looked at all this through a magnifying glass. Good, good for you, Danel P.

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I read every word of this essay, right away. Thank you for laying out your take on this timeline of history. This was very interesting for me to absorb, as my eyes are continuing to open.

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The hope is that everyone will wake the F up. Too many people are brain washed and/or arrogant to even consider that they’ve been duped by a complicitous media and dubious government.

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Daniel apologizes for a brain dump!! Can you imagine how good he feels to unload a monster dump? At least a million dollars. Wow! Good on ya. Better than Simone Biles. You nailed it!

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WOW!! Why can't we get a guy like this to run for President?

I mean, this did me a world of good today....... being Sunday and prayerfully home counting pinto beans and pleading with God to help me face this with " a spirit of power, love and a sound mind".

This actually gave me hope and I tell you, I'm kind of choked up right now about it! God has been revealing how truly in trouble we are with A.I. taking over the real-time viewing and comments in every platform, somewhat less on X. I watched the TUCKER/BENZ interview this week and I've had nightmares 2 nights in a row about the implications of it. Anyway, I'm grateful that Daniel wrote this and that you shared it. I read much less lately and keeping my cell phone at home...... breaking the cord so to speak but I really needed this. You answered prayer today, Thank you.

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No apologies necessaryDaniel. Let's have a beer and tell me what you really think. Good to read your perspective as it is 'right-on'.

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I think the damage Bill Clinton did with his "triangulation" cannot be overstated; repealing Glass-Steagal and signing the Commodity Futures Modernization Act into law led directly to the 2008-09 financial crisis.

When the country desperately needed a (genuine) Democrat president to stand up to the excesses of the Republican Party, there was none to be found.

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NEVER FORGET that BILL CLINTON, HILLARY CLINTON and CHELSEA CLINTON are all MEMBERS of the most pernicious and insidious so-called "Non-Governmental Organization" - that de facto DOMINATES and CONTROLS U.S. Foreign AND Domestic policy - that being the


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At least Arthur Levitt subsequently apologized for his role in thwarting Broksley Born’s pushback against not regulating credit default swaps etc.

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Not enough ppl know about the whole set-up for the 2007 crash. That destroyed millions of ppl and nearly sent us into bankruptcy. I know a number of ppl who lost everything but we struggled through and were able to help a few relatives tread water long enough to find a boat. We credit God for giving us what we need, right when we need it. We’ve always believed that trying to do the next right thing, moment by moment and keeping faith is our port. We’ve been through a number of storms and there surely will be more.

They’re already planning the next global emergency power grab now that they see how easy it was to impose compliance. Laura Ingraham did a segment on the plot underway to use climate change as an emergency. The only ppl (leading global power) who will not be too affected and is gearing up to capitalize on this is China. Africa at large is always on the brink of implosion, what’s left of it after being stripped bare by those seeking the raw materials therein.

But I digress.

The democrats of today aren’t the the same as the democrats of the Clinton era. The republicans have made a similar about-face. This election is already gearing up to be quite dramatic. We’ll see....

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From one old guy to another: Daniel P. You did GOOD!

Many thanks to Dr. Malone for posting Daniel's entire thoughts.

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Daniel, you’re right about both Democrats and Republicans abandoning the working class to cater to the elite. I’m not so sure about social conservatives or social justice warriors not having anybody else to turn to. RFK Jr. appeals to me as a social conservative because I see him as a man of integrity who champions the cause of the working middle class, family values, and freedom of religion and speech. I believe he might appeal to social justice warriors because of his Democrat background.

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I agree Donald, I made a statement about preferring Independent not dependent on the Sunday strip, I'm not sure anyone got it...

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I suggest you read the essay that he posted on Substack this week. I have reservations about voting for another Kennedy and am very wary about the skeletons they’ve locked away yet his platform aligns with my own in ways that truly matter. No candidate is without serious flaws. Even our founders would be destroyed if they were running in the world today.

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I do read every posting from Malone!!!

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I liked RFK Jr. as well. I felt hope, until I read "Ask Not" about the Kennedy men - from Joe Kennedy (father of all) all the way to the grandsons and nephews, etc. After reading about RFK, Jr. - no way will I vote for him.

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RFK. jr is only better than Harris....in my opinion.

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I’d be better than Harris. I’m sure you would too. Walz is definitely not better and maybe even worse.

Ppl brain dead enough to vote for them will loathe the rewards they reap if they are elected. I will too. I think we all will but arrogant and vain lefties will be pleased with themselves.

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Great essay, thank you Daniel P.

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Excellent 'brain dump'! This can also be applied to the UK: "(The democrats) Labour became the party of a college educated, laptop class, of elites that have nothing but contempt for those of the working or middle class." We can currently see this contempt of the well educated 'Left' right on the streets of the UK, where double-standards in policing are now evident - you might like to read this comment by Brendan O'Neill: https://www.spiked-online.com/2024/08/03/after-southport-the-rage-against-the-throng/?utm_source=spiked+long-reads&utm_campaign=68cf6120d8-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_08_04_01_00&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-68cf6120d8-%5BLIST_EMAIL_ID%5D

For us observers on the other side of the Big Pond the question arises: what next will the 'educated eltie' on the East~ and West Coast and in DC do to prevent a Trump presidency?

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Any/everything they can. They are TERRIFIED of him putting a monkey wrench in their brave-new-world agenda.

I did hear some interesting stories today about the protests in Ireland and the UK. Best of luck to ya.

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