Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Governments are like octopi, To get anything done they rely on a bunch of suckers.

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It's all making sense now. AG Merrick Garland heads the Tentacle of Justice. Director Christopher Wray heads the Federal Tentacle of Investigation. When questioned about their practices, they expel dark ink and obscure themselves from "comment on an ongoing investigation."

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Biden heads the tentacle of taking bribes.

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Or they can navigate through any obstacle or maze in order to take what they want.

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Don't forget the clouds of inks escape protection.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

How many COVID vaxxers does it take to change a lightbulb?

Just one, but first they have to

- realize they are in the dark

- be convinced it doesn't work

- lose their fear of seeing the light of day.

How many COVID maskers dos it take to change a lightbulb? The mask blocks their vision - so they can't be convinced it's dark.

How many Faucis does it take to change a light bulb? Fauci sells light bulbs that don't work and profits from every sale, so he wants to change them again before you realize how dark it is.

How many LGBTQ+ does it take to change a lightbulb? Only hems can change, but H is not in the alphabet soup.

How many Orange Men does it take to change a lightbulb? ONE!

How many anti-vaxxers does it take? Error. Undefined term: 'anti-vaxxer.'

How many Wakefields does it take to change a lightbulb? One, but it might take 50 years.

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Nice one Tracy ( 😳)


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deletedDec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023
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Coming from someone I know who is looking for new employment on Indeed, the requirements of some of these companoes, large and small, are xovid19 injected individuals only. One ad stated that if they were not jabbed, they not only had to mask up, all day, but were required to sanitize their desks every 3 hours.

If that is not the definition of insanity, I have no idea what is.

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Smart people hire smart people. Stupid Rooke hire stupid people.

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ya' think they just really do NOT want to hire anybody?

I love this: It is companies like this Darwin had in mind. . .

Listing their names for 'shorting' would be great!

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If their stock keeps rising despite their stupidity, the fix is in. Dr Nomi Prins writes about the wakeup call she got, working for Goldman Sachs, when the Federal Reserve placed an order to buy corporate stock in something or other. She won't admit the Green New Deal is a scam, but the details in her books and blogs pretty much reveal the Fed is pumping the stock market, and much of what they're buying are Woke companies that don't pay a dividend (meaning they have no profit to share) but don't worry about it because their high stock price lets them collateralize their assets to borrow more money. Since the Fed dumps stocks too, and that's always the unbeatable short sale (nobody is going to jump in until the price falls to take out some big cash-covered put options, which you can always find listed on the CBOE website...if somebody wrote 10,000 cash-covered puts at $50 a share and the stock is trading at $750, lookout below! At some point there's a $700 price drop coming). Safe way to make money on a strong candidate for a short is to sell call calendar spreads just above the current price...when the Fed buggers pump it to take out the short sellers, roll the spread up and take profit. Use the profit to buy long dated puts that will grow explosively when the pumping stops and the dumping starts.

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waaaaaay above my pay grade.

But, I love the implications!

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

A new hopeful indication that the efforts of the dissident community are gaining traction:

On Thursday, Sen. Mike Lee of Utah announced introduction of "The DEFUND (Disengaging Entirely From the United Nations Debacle) Act," with the aim of getting us completely out of the UN/WHO. The effort is backed by Reps. Chip Roy (R-TX) and Mike Rogers (R-AL) in the House. A video of Senator Lee's remarks on the subject was posted yesterday (Saturday 12-9-23) on YouTube, on the Forbes Breaking News channel.

Now I have a prediction for everyone: In the Senate, the bill will stall at the desk of a Democratic-controlled committee chairman and/or by interference from Senator Schumer. In the House, the bill counterpart will stall at the desk of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, chaired by Rep. Mike McCaul (R-TX) and vice-chaired by Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO), who were both WEF Davos participants in 2022. Let's hope that people are waking up and letting them know they don't want to be made subordinate to internationalists.

I have re-accessed the current versions of the proposed IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty from the WHO website, have begun review, and am mulling yet another communication to my senators and rep to urge them to support Senator Lee's bill.

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I think it is the Dem's in Wagner's district that keep her in that seat. She was on a Martha McCallum program some years back whining about how hard it was to be in that district, that the GOP needed to think of ways to appeal to the needs of democrats. I wrote down the gest of what she said and when I got a fund me letter in the mail (I am not in her district) I sent it back with a written note that only contained her own words and added No Thanks.

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I don't think this is a good idea.

The United Nations stands for a dream for a peaceful and prosperous Earth held by many good people. That this dream was subverted and nearly destroyed does not mean that we need to give up on it.

It was under United Nations auspices that the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was created and ratified in 1948.

The UN coordinates a huge amount of relief work around the planet. That includes earthquake relief, fire relief, famine relief, and flooding relief.

It has obviously gone off the rails in many ways. But we are still the wealthiest and most powerful nation on this planet. We should use that leverage to right the course of the UN, not abandon it to the criminals who are trying to take it over.

I would like to see an Act withholding further funding UNLESS certain reforms are enacted that will break the deadlock in the Security Council and walk back any programs that seek to take control of our nation, or any other nation, on the basis of "world health" "world peace" or "social justice."

Meanwhile, we have a LOT more to learn about Earth's place in this universe and our potential to change the behaviors of some of the other major players in this galaxy and beyond. Until we learn these basics, the rest of the universe will sneer at us, and try to keep us down, regardless of whether we have a UN or not.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Great content today! I loved the octopus video! Merry Christmas to you and Jill. You are much appreciated.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Remember Margaret Thatchers famous quip: "You can vote in socialism but you have to SHOOT your way out".

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I was always taught to treat others as you would want to be treated (the Golden Rule). I believe this simple principle was a general basis for our republic style government based on self governance. Centralized Federal Power was the exact opposite of the founding principles of America. The first amendment has no exceptions for government and I think this is why I am so frustrated with what I may call, low standard people, using terms like mis information, dis information etc..I personally look at many of these people trying to tell me what’s right and what’s wrong, knowing their horrendous choices they have made in their own lives, as a form of evil brainwashing for the soft minds. Vladimir Lenin once said “Give me 4 years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted”. This government arrogance sounds like a US department of education policy. It’s high time that our overbearing federal government is taught a bit of humility in basically every major subject that faces the American citizen. Please keep on fighting for us Doc.!!!! J.Goodrich

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'with' us ?

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Amen, brother James

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Sadly 😥 they've had 4 X 3 + years

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I do not know who Elon's marketing team is, but he needs to fire them!

I've been conditioned to CLICK on the "X" to close something that I don't want to see! Like an AD!!!

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Has he revealed the reason he dumped a brand name that was known by billions of people as Twitter? I can only surmise Elon didn’t like the tweeting bird symbol locked in a cage? He has freed the bird. So when I go to X is my posting now Xing since tweeting is not applicable now? As an Xer I was Xcited when I saw Dr Malone and a ton of others who were silenced for their opinions invited back. Elon does seem to love free speech. So, whatever his reasons for dumping billions into the Twitter pit, it feels like he’s Xcavated free speech from the bird cage liner. Xtra Xtrordinary times we live in, happy Sunday!

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It’s clear Elon is for Free speech. He fought Jack Smith for all Twitter users liking or following Trump J6 th time period or prior. Well, 350k fine after two no’s…. He gave it up.

Now, DOJ have millions of people’s data to mine and go after…

Is this Facist or what?

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That one panel visualizes what I have been saying about our Constitution written in layman’s language being buried in legalese obfuscation. Does not to be rewritten but rescued

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While not great news, it is profound. TX state senator John Whitmore left Sheila Jackson Lee in the dust by winning Houston's Major race with over 65% of the vote.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Freaking awesome. That looney piece of racial hatred was the one who introduced legislation to ban all gun ownership in the US

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Speaking of guns: Activist nuns who own a small amount of Smith & Wesson stock have filed a lawsuit in hopes of stopping the company’s manufacture of “AR-15-style rifles. It was filed in a state court in Nevada, where Smith & Wesson is incorporated.

This story is so ridiculous, it's a must read.


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Jeffrey Norton will be synonomous with names,of scumbag lawyers who knowingly take money from imbicile clients, whereas the lawsuit loss is well established, and will serve no purpose, other than to line the pockets of the lawyer himself.

My own brother, when my mother passed away, filed a lawsuit against me for $150,000 for not turning over the few of my mothers posessions, and her 1 remaining bank account to him, upon her death.

My brother received an automatic distrubution feom,her 401k in which he presented to his lawyer with the intent of "suing that son of a bitch brother of mine"

My brother's lawyer went a local cafe with my lawyer, during one of the 5 days recess for lunch. At that "meeting" his lawyer told my lawyer that "he knew Gerald would never win the case, but he woukd have taken that money his mother left him to another lawyer, if he,didnt take the case against your client", meaning me.

His lawyer knew he stole my mothers moneys during her lifetime, and also knew when the truth came out in court, Gerald would walk out of there with nothing.

My mother had a total of $6,350. in liquid assets left, after the nursing home /hospice / medical expenses, and other debts were paid off. It cost me $16,000 two years of legal crap, and 5 days in county court to clear my name, whereas i was made administrator of my mothers estate.

What is 500 lawyers thrown to the bottom of the sea?

A good start.

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A very, very old joke but still valid. You have a ways to go on the 500. There are over 1.2 million lawyers practicing in the US. They are rarely held to account because they are still just practicing their trade, not fully functional at it yet. Last week I did a search for an estate planner in the nearest rural town. Got two entities back. Called the first just to find out they do not do trusts. Hmmm, I wonder who their estate planner customers are then. Your brother is a favorite client type for sure.

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What brother? James Goodrich, is more of a brother to me, at this point in life.


My brother, Gerald, upon that 5th day in court, when he walked out of there, fell down a flight of stairs, and the result was his head crammed up his own butt, snapped off at the jaw, and he passed immediately thereafter.

Sadly, we never saw him again, after that


LMAO !!!!

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We are always getting invites to join class action lawsuits. Ignore them well aware they exist mainly to enrich ambulance chasers,

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I would not be surprised if the nuns finances were supplied by dark money

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Probably the same dark money funding it gets for its assistance in getting illegal to, over the border and on their way to life in America.

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Hum? You don't suppose this is the same batch of nuns that attended that Dodger game?

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I think those were guys :)

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That woman was the walking example of a confluence of stupidity and ignorance.

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Shelley, true, not great news however on the other hand, it would've been catastrophic if she had won!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Enjoy your time home! P.S. I want a pet octopus.

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Haha, me too

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The tree meme says a lot. It highlights how the resistance is futile without a critical element. The crafters of our constitution stated clearly that it would be effective only for a moral people grounded in the principles of the Christian faith.

Humans are desperately wicked apart from the transforming work of God in our souls.

This is the result of spiritual blindness. Note another missing element is the LGBTQS ideology. Note the added S (not by me) for Satanism. Gender transformation is a twisted counterfeit for the real transformation all of us have an innate understanding we are needing.

Our enemy is crafty. This is a spiritual war. The battle is for our souls. We see this manifest in hatred for Israel. Hatred of Jews is hatred towards God pure and simple. Note the love of death and brutality exhibited by Hamas, followers of the death cult whose primary purpose is Jewish genocide. Christians are a secondary target.

The world is rapidly descending into darkness as for a time Satan is given free rein. But those who have received the gift of salvation paid for by the perfect life and death of Christ experience peace and joy as we celebrate the birth of our savior.

We cry hallelujah! The victory has already been won.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I want to thank you, Dr. Malone & wife Jill for the hard work & sacrifices in keeping us up to date on all you important studies. Hoping they can get the needed rest to prepare for the never ending battle that we all face!

Happy Holidays

Dave & Toni

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023

Liked the Octopus video. Since i dont eat seafood, it relates to me more as a pet, than a meal that is a rubbery blob between my teeth. Couldnt watch the vid to the end, as my wife, who loves every living creature (except humans) made me shut it off, fearing the poor octopus would have a fate, other than a " happy life, after all ".

The entire Elon thing just bothers me.

Here you have this billionaire, richest dude in the world, out there acting like your regular everyday Joe-pissed off American, when the reality is, he is not ordinary, by any means,. His friends / acquaintences are some of the most powerful, possibly evil people on the planet, and you tend to be like those in which you surround yourself with, at least in my, peraonal experience.

So, the question always comes to mind is "Is this guy for, or against the human race? Is he aligned with his fellow bretheren, or for the average man / mankind? He gives vibes off as being a switch hitter, and i really dont know his real stance.

He is a dichotomy of loyalty, I simply can't comprehend , what or where his true interests lie.

This makes me inherently, not be an admirer, follower, or have hope in his intent, or purpose, in life, other than to make more money.

Maybe, someday, it will all become obvious, one way or another

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People expect extra everything out of a person who is very good at organizing for the production of new stuff, and making money from it.

I expect Elon to have the foibles and inconsistencies of regular humans. He seems to be making an effort to do things right. But his upbringing was fairly strange and he will have his difficulties.


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One thing is for sure - he likes the limelight, seems to seek attention. Could be he is just another shining object for us to fuss over.

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The common sense part if me seems to gravitate that direction.

"Another distraction?"

I honestly do not know

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Shelley, maybe a "Chiny" beholden object?!?!

Just saying 😌 🤷

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Elon is Elon. Think Tony Stark for the best comparison you are going to get.

The guy is genius level smart and people like that tend to make their own rules and kind of don't get "normal" people or what sci-fi convention goers and ren faire types call "mundanes". I don't think the guy is evil. He is in the process of waking up to the fact most of those around him are either idiots, evil or some combination of the above resulting in psychotic overlord.

Just go with it T.

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Agree. He also is opposed to the lack of reproduction of our human race. He is pro big families! Certain ideals may confuse the public.. but he’s fearless with the government overreach.

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There was a cartoon I saw many years ago of a couple who owned a car company (sound familiar). They were so proud of their accomplishment. It was a great car. Their plant was totally automated so there were no employees. In the last frame comes the punchline "No body can afford our cars" as they drive off together on an empty highway! Perhaps Elon realizes this.

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H Ford actually said the reason he paid his employees double/triple what others paid was for marketing purposes. His employees could afford to buy the cars they built and drove them around for others to see. It expanded his empire. Of course, FDR forced him for a period of time to reduce those wages.

Elon may think like Ford, for temporary gain which is not in line with the NWO.

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Yes, I remember reading that too. I will trade you a more up to date quote on Henry Ford. Helen Doan (owner of Blacklocks Reporter newsletter) recently said in an interview about the bailout of the Canadian Mainstream Media "It's like the government putting their knee on Henry Fords neck and giving the money to the Wagon Makers instead".

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Great One Fred!

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Shelley, I just don't like the idea of his EV vehicles being subsidized by us in the form of mandates!

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You will like this then - The House voted to approve the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act "CARS", with five Democrats siding with 216 Republicans, to stop the IEPA regulation on tailpipe emission rules that would force 67 percent of new sedan, crossover, SUV and light truck purchases to be electric by 2032. Republican Rep. Tim Walberg of Michigan, who drafted the CARS Act along with Republican Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia, said the EPA rule “is unattainable, it’s unaffordable and, in fact, it’s unrealistic. “It takes away what we’ve always thought of as one of the most important principles of Americanism, and that’s choice.

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023

Wow! Thank you, Sis !


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The White House boasted about its efforts in a “fact sheet” marking the two-year anniversary of the infrastructure law. $7.5 billion for investment in the electric vehicle charging infrastructure. “To date, almost $2.4 billion in funding has gone to states, and construction is underway to build out a network of chargers along our highways,” it said. Surprise? But two years later, after the budget was passed and the money allocated, not a single charging station has been erected although more than $2 billion were allocated to states to begin construction of a network of new charging stations, not only has no construction begun, not a single state has even secured a working contract for said construction.

Just read an article about a guy that paid $16k for a used EV and he can't drive it anymore because the battery no longer works. New one cost $20k.

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You are welcome little bro.

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Friends of a feather stick together?

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Watch the whole octopus video. It was cool and she has a happy fate. 👍🏻

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X = unknown.

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It's obvious to me you can't trust him. There are a few deep dives into the man out there, but the video toward the end of this article covers broadly in a shorter version some of what you should be aware of and look into further at every opportunity:


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Don't know how you can keep up but happy that you're able to keep us informed! Love your "funnies" that sometimes aren't so funny though. Have a Merry Christmas there on the farm!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Loved it! Merry Christmas to you, Jill and your family. May God give even more increase to you in the coming year. I pray 2024 will be an awesome year for us all. Rosie

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Love the Time cover. And how many times have I wanted to say , like Elon, “Go $&@? Yourself”. In my mind I do! 🤗

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The actions of that highly intelligent creature was an amazingly entertaining and fascinating view into the world of the octopus! Reminds me of the film, My Octopus Teacher, where a man who is fed up with the corporate world takes a year off and forms a bond with an octopus. Really touching and sweet, proof that these creatures are special, sentient beings. I love watching them in the tide pools…such adept hunters!

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