Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

News anchor meme: priceless💯

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Twisted observations often reveal the greatest overviews possible!

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It explains the behavior of these news anchors:


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Pod people with a hive mind

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Excellent find, VC. Reinforced with a whip, scripted language works on sled dogs and mules too.

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A great montage of the “narrative” innaction‼️

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Oh, my gosh. They are the lacky newspeople.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Meanwhile back at the Ranch, mild mannered News Reporter R. Malone returns to post a most incredible report that life in some major cities has a pretty dang good chance of returning to what in his remarkable insights and travels as "NORMAL" ! I'll second the motion! Great reporting R.

Now back to you in the studio......

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Laughter the best medicine, thanks.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The arrow through the head is my pick of the day. All of us readers of your sub stack want information. The connections from the beginning of the virus, and the insertion of this authoritarian regime have been manipulated to be unsolvable mysteries. I think all of us realize failure to understand is not acceptable. It’s blatantly clear the government accomplices will not expose these connections and the few outsiders will not be allowed. It is completely up to us to expose these connections and force justice. But who will lead this? There is a void of a leader that can organize sustained peaceful street protests in Washington DC. They say it only takes 8% of opposition party demonstrating on the street to bring change but is there any one able or willing to put the people there? I see this as the only real solution to this Obama, Marxist/Democrat take over. J.Goodrich

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You are so right James. When the majority, including the younger generations that Dr. Malone described, are not convinced of the collusion among the USG, media and all corporations to use fear and then force to override the rights of a free society, they will fail to notice and respond to the coming avalanche of malfeasance such as the unsustainable debt, forced CBDC, fake elections, etc.

At this juncture, normalcy is not an indicator that all is well or getting better. I hope it is not too late to address this normalcy by forcing into the open the truth behind the Covid Hoax and the punishment that must be metered out before we are caught by the next shoe to fall.

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A revolution is required every couple hundred years, as stated by the framers. "If you can keep your republic", could never have a greater meaning, than at the current moment.

Lots of heads in the sand, and more useful idiiots standing along the elites, working towards the end goal of communism. Mind boggling to me how many have sold their souls (and xountry) out for gold. I know its not a new concept, but you would think that these people performing tricks for the elites would cherish freedoms, over more coin filled pockets.

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When the curtain is pulled back and history is reviewed, we discover the processes utilized to forge a specific trajectory varied not from the same simple processes used today – institutionalized propaganda, indoctrination, and manipulation. The catalyst is control, always. Its founding is greed and/or power. It starts with presenting factual events (bad outcomes) and introducing solutions to mitigate those events from happening again. It also requires the audience to be the open minds of youth with a need for self- esteem and belonging. Fostering group think starts this way. Why do millions, mainly the young, feel doomed because of Climate Change. Why do so many believe we must save Ukraine? Why do millions see the USG as benevolent? In these three examples, it is not about communism, gold and coins. Why do we send our youth off to wars in faraway places? Why do we believe this is necessary to be a free society?

On your useful idiots; there are many worldwide that truly believe that the goal of a one world government is the ONLY solution to the wars, the dictatorships, the starving masses, the health crises yet to come. I point you to old world bankers and Johns Hopkins University founded in 1876, the first US University based on the European research institution model. They forever changed the trajectory of the world and President Wilson was their entry tool. The Pope called for an end to WWI and Wilson said no - that would not bring everlasting peace. One of these days I will do a massive flow chart detailing it all. Way past the time for a revolution T.

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What a great reminder. The founders were wise beyond measure. Now we have floundering fools and we let them get away with it..

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The longer this tyranny goes on the harder and messier it will be to fix, if it can be fixed.

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Thank God we have arms. I don't want to use them, but I reserve the right.

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Honestly Helen I’ve never been so worried about things really going comi all at once. Definitely after they steal this next election it will change all at once. In one day to the next America as we new it will be over.

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And my fear too. I looked to see what company manufactured the machines for Oklahoma and it ECHart intercivic out of Texas. I then looked online to see who the CEO is and low and behold Microsoft purchased that company in part in 2017. I am very concerned that Bill Gates is behind most of the bad actors along with George Soros. My next step was to post about it on our GOP women's group. I have yet to see if anyone has paid attention.

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Amen, my brother

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T, I’ve posted this several times. I can’t read this enough. It was a part of a letter from Thomas Jefferson to I believe John Adams nephew. If on your phone turn sideways…

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Dowloaded, saved

Thank you again, brother in life

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Your assessment is spot on. We have no leader and no organizers to rally the millions of patriotic Americans ready and willing to take to the streets to peacefully show their loyalty to our country and our Constitution. While the marxist matrix is well organized, well funder and well orchestrated.

Funny how cancel culture progressives and political representatives praise abortion even after birth yet they are still alive. If population control is one of their motives, maybe they should consider "checking out"!

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Always wondered if news anchors could stand on their own 2 feet. Now we know.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

The "POLY TICKS" is priceless!!! That got me seriously laughing!

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Yes they all are great! And thanks for giving us a break from Alfred E. Fauci

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Here is Eastern NC, it's been normal the whole time (excepting one small local town that literally barricaded the roads for several months in 2020). Only a very few masks in this new fall hysteria (all older black folks), have never seen a trans person locally, the public schools never bought into DEI/social justice, and men and women look like, well, men and women. I think our county was 35% jabbed in the first rounds, and I doubt has cracked 15% since. (We are getting more retirees from blue states in the aforementioned lock-down town, so they might skew the numbers.) Life is and has been normal, except that people are fed up and talking about it.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I still think this is a time to be very careful that the "fight" energy doesn't backfire. As I mentioned in another post, the stance of martial arts is very different than putting a hand or fist to stop the energy. Follow the energy through and move it out of the way. There is much power in this movement. Studying the martial arts and following some of these principals might give strength to this ideal. Poly-tics / Yes!

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DD - right! Don't play their game and fall into their hands by reacting the way they expect, like initiating demonstrations and street fights. Figuratively step out of their strike path and let them use up all their targeted energy. Observe carefully and respond accordingly. Be strong AND strategic.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Its good to see your face and hear you speak ❤

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Laugh out loud funny. Terrifying heart stopping cry in silence no more truth. As Dr Malone speaks so eloquently, we are in a post modern techno war and we BETTER win this one or our descendent will live like serfs did to the kings of old. And the only escape may be to Mars in five hundred years.

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So much of today reminds me of the impact, Patrick McGuin, was it, delivered in "The Prisoner." Trying to escape, but never succeeding.

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Patrick McGoohan. One of the best shows ever made, in my opinion. Saw it as a kid when it first premiered as a miniseries summer show. For anyone who has never viewed it, a must see, especially the two concluding episodes. And yes, it was a message of hope.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

About the 'technofascism' - voting is no longer a safe way to remove globalists. American elections are in great doubt. "It doesn't matter who gets the most votes, it matters who COUNTS the votes." (somebody famous said that)

Also, the globalists have more money than could be believed. The corruption that exists between the globalists, the Leftist elites and the Administrative State is also more than would have been believable only a few years ago.

When the Supreme Court decided that corporations are people too and the following decisions that gave them more and more protections, those decisions provided the path for the complete corruption of the government.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Encouraging observations on widely demonstrated normalcy in Tampa and AZ.


What do you think? Is the MSM / Uniparty / Criminal Conspiracy trying to falsely portray FRINGE behavior as generally or widely accepted, commonly practiced and dominant?

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I have observed the same as I walk along the park in Santa Monica, CA... or go to the beach. Lots of families, normal people, and only a few masks here and there.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Arrow in the head describes many Canadians, as they were clueless who the n a z i in Parliament was. That was my immediate thought when I saw that and laughed out loud. I would love to see those arrows in all our politician's head that stood in Parliament and clapped, starting with Castro jr and Zelenskyy. What a clown show that would be.

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I think you left something out:

"It is time to fight, or your children are going to live in a technofascism for the rest of their natural lives, which won't be very long if the Globalist technocrat dictators get their way."

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I count on your Friday funnies to start my weekend and your Sunday Strip to end the weekend! Today’s memes are priceless! Plus your video comments - good to see you and hear your words of wisdom!

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I moved to Arizona from Portland, Oregon and agree people are generally much more healthy and normal here. But even in Arizona there are signs of the rot that destroyed Oregon. Twenty years ago Portland was a beautiful, safe place to live but after mail-in voting was enacted in 2000 the Democrats seized total control of the government and the state went into a death spiral that culminated in 2020 when the Biden voters sacked the city and rioted every night for months. Arizona has had some suspicious elections since I moved here, and the governor and both senators are now Democrats who do nothing about the open border. Parts of Phoenix have rising crime and open drug usage which is how the rot begins, then it progresses to nose rings, whole body tattoos, pink hair, diversity, drag queens and child genital mutilation. I think it is too early to declare a return to normalcy even in some relatively sane spots. The forces that destroyed other parts of America are still in control of the country and like the Terminator they will never stop until they have destroyed everything and every place. If any place remains unspoiled it will be a refuge for people who want to escape the madness.

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I moved back to Portland from the Bay Area 27 years ago to escape hell. It has turned into a dump. Glad I don't live downtown!

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Sorry you moved from the frying pan into the fire! At least you were in Portland during some of its best years. I didn't live downtown either but I knew the rot would spread. My suggestion is to leave Portland if you can. It's too annoying living around people who live in a delusional fog and deny there is even a problem with crime or homelessness. They won't admit they wrecked a beautiful city and they are definitely incapable of fixing problems they won't acknowledge. It will get much worse.

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Cancer spreads fast!

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