Through all of our working lives, and all of our professions, we all have witnessed people that are truly gifted in what they do. Many if not all will not be remembered for how wealthy they became or that they “made it”. People remember the gifted for how they treated their peers. They are remembered for how they helped others not themselves. In the near future, history will not look kindly on this administration and the medical establishment that pushed the mRNA agenda. They will be seen for their greed and cruelty to others. Hoping for a better year!! J.Goodrich

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Yesterday, I visited my most gifted and compassionate Naturopathic doctor in federal prison. She is there because she honored her Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. (The original one, not the modern remake of the oath.) To her core, she believes all vaccines do harm, and she has the training and knowledge to back up that belief. She provided help and alternatives to those who didn't believe children should be forced to receive the recommended immunizations (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/downloads/child/0-18yrs-child-combined-schedule.pdf) and to those who would lose their livelihood if they refused the vaccine. The California Department of Injustice punished and made an example of her to put fear in the hearts and minds of any doctor trying to skirt the vaccine narrative.

She diagnosed and treated me for a candida issue that multiple allopathic medicine doctors failed to diagnose for almost two years. My heart aches for this truly gifted and brilliant doctor whose license has been revoked and skills are lost while she sits in federal prison.

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Kathy this is the horrible extreme reality we are all witnessing in America. This Marxism has taken root especially in blue states. I will pray for your friend and hope someday our once free country will return.

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Thank you for your prayers, James!

She needs prayers and a miracle! Her time to appeal is almost up. She is completely broke, having wasted money on attorneys who did not serve her well. As you can imagine, the media persecuted her, as well. She has lost everything. So, some equally brilliant attorney willing to take this case pro bono must materialize out of nowhere. The appeal would have to go back to the same tyrannical judge who sentenced her, so it is possible he could give her a worse sentence.

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she needs a go-fund-me now for 500,000. WE can do it! if you need help let me know.

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Deborah, your compassion is truly heartwarming. Maybe money will be necessary down the road, but truly, she needs a brilliant criminal appeals attorney willing to take her case. She was advised by her first attorney to plead guilty. On better advice, she tried to withdraw her plea, but was denied. Two pretty difficult things to overcome without help from someone who has accomplished this feat.

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Takes money for a good atty, btw

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The other major issue is the degradation of family life. If our nation is to survive, we need to reverse this problem. For those who don't read John Kass, here is his article that covers the topic. https://johnkassnews.com/o-holy-night-2023/

Disney is rightfully paying the price for pushing the woke con.

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Conservative America has way more power over Disney than they would like to admit. We are the only ones who actually pay for movies anymore. A large number of young people (especially the woke yuppies with money) rip movies and share them with their friends over the internet. Disney knows this but they still don't make the movies we want. What does that tell you about what Disney thinks of Conservative Americans? When we boycott a movie they really feel it.

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Also boycott the parks. I will never visit them ever again

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Wow, thanks for the gift of John Kass, Thomas.

Very nice Christmas present


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Oh yes praying for a good 2024 and some real accountability for those who pushed this hideous agenda! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Quite right James, Quite right. We here in Australia are in an almost identical situation that you and our much loved American Brothers and Sisters are with our administration., also the exact same position regarding our medical "profession" and regulators. This level of EVIL is beyond my comprehension. Happy New Year my Friend.

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Happy New Year to you and your family as well Les. I pray 2024 will find whole countries breaking away from Americas idiotic push of these death shots on the world many already have. People are wising up, unfortunately some never will. As sane countries see the data and stop the mandates I hope it all collapses!!!

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It's coming, soon. Better get tied on. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

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A very ugly chapter in the book on humanity.

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Amen to that 👍🐸 Happy New Year

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"Black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900. The chances of being killed by a dog, horse, bees, or lightning are vastly greater."

True story: A few weeks ago I was out on my daily walk, when to my left I saw 3 pitties or pitty mixes breaking out from their yard with owner trying in vain to call them back. When the three dogs saw me they all turned and ran up on me, barking fiercely until they were all at my feet. I braced for the worst, but didn't panic. There happened to be a man sitting in his open garage in the house to my right, and he came running out with an activated leaf blower, distracting, confusing, and chasing the dogs away.

I was remarkably unaffected by this incident. Perhaps the reason is that after 3+ years of effort by unelected government bureaucrats to "save" us, few threats seem scary by comparison.

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I have a true story about a Mama black bear with two cubs in tow with her on a mid Nov Mn white tail deer hunt while sitting on the St.Croix river bank on a mid afternoon sunny day to sit down with our feet hanging over the river bank. My elderly hunting partner had brought with him a large bag of Halloween candy in his backpack to snack on all day when not in his deer stand. I do not. We were just quietly talking about other hunts in other years very near here but never just took the time to gaze out over the fall time tree lined magnificent river.

We were there half hour or so when in the corner of my left eye I saw a bears head 2 ft behind my partner (Mel) to my left. She was long nosed stretched to figure out if we were giant blaze orange trash bags full of Reeses or Mounds or Almond Joys etc. When she saw my face she reeled back on rear paws and spun like a dancer on one foot making not one sound as she left.

I told Mel to turn around and look at what just crept up on us. He quickly said where the hell was she? I replied two ft from the middle of your back pack. As she a the cubs were now slow walking away a close 10 ft from us away from the river cliff we sat on. Now we both had high powered scoped rifles at our finger tips, across our seated laps. Which would have been useless had she just simply shoved us both over the cliff as to inspect the orange bags.

I can laugh about it as I have had stand up encounters on portage trails with bears. Once they saw the dog barking they drop back on all fours and disappear into the woods as you can hear twigs and things snap and groan. Typical there was no time to panic, only admire.

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That is not the same reaction a grisly bear would do in that situation. Especially with cubs in tow. Grisly bears are mean and attack humans.

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Rocky mountain top predator. Fears nothing.

Investigates everything.

Learns early what human scent is and bears are more than curious. They are very territorial. Hence the monster claw marks high on a tree trunk. The bigger the bear, the higher up the bark the visible claw mark.

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Yes! There was a grizzly bear attack a couple of miles from my daughters cabin.

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I get news from various wild life papers. Around the Smoky Mtns., there are bears with parts of their paws missing. Apparently, there is a thing called "bear paw" soup which is purported to be an aphrodisiac. The bears are trapped for their paws and then released back without them. Can you imagine the pain of that? I dream some day to do the same to the perpetrators of such idiocy.

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Great story Randall, you will only see things like that if you spend time in the bush.

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Amen PB, been an avid outdoorsman my entire life

Wildlife encounter was the rewards and the splendor.

The mama bear with cubs was quick close and unforgettable. She smelled that sack of candy 🍭

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I had a similar experience, I was up in Ochoco bow hunting in late Aug for elk and had found a shady spot to eat lunch, I was just below the top of the ridge and got comfortable, as you know heat rises uphill. Well as I took a bite of my protein bar I caught some movement 100 yds down wind and I noticed two cubs going over some deadfall then I saw mama bear right behind them checking out the deadfall for grubs I image, well they didnt have any idea I was there because the wind was in my favor, but they were getting closer, so I decided I didnt want to have to deal with an angry bear so at about 50 yard's I stood up made some noise, at that time the mom stood up on her hind legs and started to sniff the wind, she finally got on all fours and hauled ass away from me cubs right behind her. It was such a cool moment. I never get tired of being in the woods.

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Cool 👍 that worked out well for all participants.

Any success with closer elk? 🤔

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"I'm from the government, and I'm here to help." So prescient.

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If it's only 61, then somehow I was present for two. At Laird Hot Springs, BC, Canada in 1997, we had stopped at the Springs for a road break on a trip to AK. A black bear had just mauled and killed 2, it was gruesome. The black is feared by many more in the north than the Griz. It's just unpredictable.

All wild animals should be treated with a healthy dose of respect, they are not your pet.

I have often encountered blacks while salmon fishing coastal AK streams, and I give them a wide berth with a .44 at my side, or similar deterrent, in addition to wearing bells around my person so as to alert the bears of my presence. They are almost unbelievably strong.

I have many bear stories at home in the US and in the north, all attesting to the fact that these are wild animals deserving the utmost respect. Stay back. A youtube video was reposted the other day on Gab Rural Life, of a fight between a black bear and feral hog outside Gatlinburg TN. Poor hog. Warning--I couldn't watch the entire clip, maybe turn off the sound, or ignore this link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbfE_VVs1Bw

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At Laird, the park has 2 areas, a major pool in a river or large creek, and up higher on a wooden footpath a much hotter pool perhaps 150 ft across. The black bear mauled the first person on that trail, while a bystander ran back to his car in the parking lot to fetch a firearm. It's quite a ways. Upon returning, the second person was killed by the bear. We arrived as the two were being carried down the trail, the first person later died of his injuries, park personnel got the bear later that afternoon.

It was not a year ago I had a black bear one night tearing apart several apple trees in the orchard. He had knocked down a portion of a 8 foot tall deer fence, and my 2 manically barking, leashed dogs were no deterrent as I approached. I sent it on its way thru the busted fence with shots fired above it into the night.

Which brings up a point about sidearms. In my experience, most folks won't kill, only enrage with a misplaced shot in the heat of the moment. The pistol is first to scare and in my encounters, it does. A second point is with "bear spray." It can produce the same effect--enrage the animal. Plus bush pilots won't allow it aboard, because the cans have exploded with altitude changes, and have crashed planes when the cockpit is filled with capsaicin. Wanting a backup, I've argued with pilots to no avail.

In the west, the Great Falls MT hospital will take 2 or 3 helicopter flights for bear attack victims along the Rocky Mountain Front each summer. The majority are for grizzly attacks, but it is difficult to correctly id your bear, esp in poor morning or evening light. The old Yogi Bear cartoons did a big mis-service in trivializing the bears. It took alot to finally get all the toursits from car feeding the bears in Yellowstone, but unfortunately, it still happens.

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Darwin Award recipients.

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That's horrifying. If you pay attention to page 8 or 9 in the paper, you might see how many people and children are killed and mauled by pit bulls and pit mixes.

There are videos on YT which show you how to protect yourself from a dog attack. You were quite lucky that day. It's scary thinking about what happened to you. Be careful, please, around them.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Hello from a PA Farm boy in Germany. AH, yes the masks. I still a few folks wearing them, and not just "Older folks," but a few young ones as well. I wish them "Gute besserung," (Get well soon.) Some folks wear them "to protect others from their sniffles," the others are certainly suffering from hysteria or some other mental disorder.

I grew up on a farm, and on construction sites. I even worked as a painter of autos and trucks with two and three component paints. It turned out that even the activated carbon masks did not provide complete protection against the isocyanates in the paint. Sanding drywall, doing demolition? Even wearing a mask, I could make spackle with what came out of my nose. So I was the most vocal when it came to the idiocy of wearing a mask to "protect yourself or others," in real life as well as online. Crikey, I have over EIGHT screens of warnings or "Fact Check" warnings on Facebook for calling out the idiocy of masks and quoting sources, (you included) about the potential (now proven real) danger of the clot-shot. Oh, and there are a few about me posting about the scam of "climate change."

I guess that bear almost learned the hard way to keep away from the pig-pen. My father has a joke, "I ain't had so much fun since the pigs ate my little brother." I grew up on the Kriebel Farms. Starting in the spring with the pulling of the tusks from the piglets, castration and feeding. Once a rabbit was caught in the pig pen. Jeepers. At five, I was able to help with the slaughtering in October. Washing out the intestines was one of my first jobs. There was even a smoke house, for bacon as well as smoking the hams after they were "gepökelt." (Aged in a brine that Sadie Kriebel probably took to her grave.)

Here in Germany, we have wild pigs, and everyone knows to respect their space and stay out of their way.

Wishing you all the best for the New Year. For better, or for worse, it is what it is. Let's try to make the best of it.

Here in Germany, we make Fondue for Sylvester. Then we send up the Rockets to scare the bad spirits away. I hope it works better this year.

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Und Ein Gutes Gesundes Neues Jahr 2024

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Wild pigs are to be respected.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Another excellent Sunday Strip. I finally subscribed this morning...I am a semi retired political theory professor here in Texas. I want you to know that while seeking information, questioning the sham I was witnessing, I found you on smaller podcasts and then Brett Weinstein. THANK YOU for your efforts, rational thinking, and most of all attempting to reach those in the public that have turned into blind robots. I wish I could have attended the summits and conferences, but having two maltese glued to me, it's not feasible. For 2024, with the incredible amount of data, studies, excess deaths and those that have died suddenly, I can only hope that those in authority will have no choice but to confront the misdeeds. Bridgen has tried and the president in Tanzania tried and a year later, was dead.....I doubt from long term heart problems. How can this situation be turned around? It is beyond belief to me.

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The Duke is spot on! “Your just a fella without a Johnson”.

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In addition to masks being ineffective, there’s also the ritualistic component side to them that not a lot of people know about:


When you look around our society, there’s a lot of ritualistic things that we do, yet have no idea the ritual behind them. Another example is voting


2024 is here! Wishing everyone the best year to date!

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Great ones to enter the new year. Thank you and DR Jill :)) And I think you have uncovered a new form of border security !! Pigs mean business when it comes to protecting what is rightfully theirs !!

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Those suckers mean business even when they aren’t. We have rather large packs of feral one running around here and they are serious business

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

Can vouch for that ...

Uncle had farm and pigs. Aunt decided to take us city hicks out to see em. They were in a small bldg with piglets. Aunt grabbed piglet and brought it over shreaking loudly. Pigs rose up in wrath. She put piglet down and we ran for our lives. Mom got stuck at the top of a fence. Still visualize the scene. Respect pigs!

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I believe you gave just renamed the Uniparty. Swine? Hogs? Boar?

Help me out with a good pun or meme to rename the feral trough feeders in DC.

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Well one thing is certain: the DC swampers are always rooting around for pork in their bills!

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I kind of like Feral Trough Feeders, myself. FTF for short?

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Prefer federal trough feeders because feral suggests self sufficiency I doubt they possess

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I'm leaning to FTF. Now to get Doc, Jill and maybe Tucker to start using it.

Calling something what it REALLY IS can help get through to the average human.

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Favorites (with not-so-witty commentary in parentheses):

Democrat Party. Quick! Cover it up.

If you won't vote democrat, I'll flood the country with people who will.

There was an Old Man who lived in a shoe. His border policy proved he didn't have a Clue... (well, he did have a clue; he knew EXACTLY what would accrue.)

Of course, I want more funding for the border...These signs are expensive. (But cheap when sent through social media.)

Boiling frog (Absolutely perfect analogy! I've used this many times over the past couple of years).

Mask Myths (for your friends and acquaintences who wear them -- again -- really?): https://eolson47.substack.com/i/136555279/mask-myths

If you have to remove someone from the ballot to win, then you are what they say you are.

Black bear video (Illegal border crosser. At least the pigs repelled him.)

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Black Bears are Omnivores and quite adaptable to most farm areas or wooded landscapes.

Aside from having a nose for scents better than a bloodhound they are opportunist and a bit of a scavenger. Love to sleep and play readily while teaching their young. The bear and the pigs have met several times before the ring footage. Notice how quickly the pigs just flat out relaxed to return to non panic. The Black Bear was out of his league when he entered into a cage match! Haha

My advice to hunters that wish to have one for the meat or the hide for a rug is this, Do not.

Please just admire them and let them pass by. Do not play games with them and they won't play games with you. PS They do not taste like beef/ pork/ chicken. I'll testify to it. The rugs attract dust.

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I know little to nothing about bears, other than the orientals want their little internal organ for some herbal aprhrodesiac (gall bladder?), and every hunter I have met, says they smell really bad.

Supposedly you can smell them before you usually see them, but I dont have any personal experience either way. Seeing them on the side of the road, from the safety of my truck doesn't provide perspective.

I assume the taste isn't very pleasant and very "gamey", if that is even a good descriptive word. No real point in harming them, imo.

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Agreed 🧐👍

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bear hunters I know just grind the meat add pork fat and a lot of spices for breakfast sausage.

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Regarding 'Snow White' I'll defer to my favorite film critic, author, Will Jordon aka The Critical Drinker. Stay tuned till the end for his now famous sign off.........

Snow White - How To Destroy Your Own Movie


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Another great collection but greatly liked the one from Branco. Time for a national rino hunt using 50 caliber ballots

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Branco for VP. When the going gets tough...the tough turn to Memes!

Bring it on!

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Hold on to your seat belts or in Spanglish; Hold on to your Chones!!! It's going to be a bumpy ride!

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On the return of mask mandates: Mask me once, shame on you. Mask me twice, Shame on me.


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What do we do Dr. Malone? Our entire world is going through a delusional and corrupt system.

I am feeling really sad lately for what is happening.

May our Creator come back and fixed this evils humans if they are still humans.

Many blessings in this 2024!!

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Fight back!!

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Dec 31, 2023·edited Dec 31, 2023

I am the parent for my children to live up to my dreams for a better future. And where does the word "johnson" come from? I'll look it up... There were many I could relate to, esp. the one "you have the right to remain silent" as it applies to you so much! I am reading Mathias D and Charles E as another perspective, you all make the puzzle more complete! (those were bears I saw in your picture!)

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Perhaps LBJ? Maybe even ABdPJ (Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson) if you live in the UK, although he was born in Manhattan.

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All those folks appalled by Trumps crudeness would have had a serious bout of vapors if they ever heard l.b.j. cut loose.

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Definitely not one of Texas’ finest. I heard in private he was crude and rude. I wonder how JFK stood him.

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Word was he would not be on the ticket in 64 which is why many believe l.b.j. behind Dallas

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No doubt many suspected he was involved. Some years back I was ‘offended’ and ‘appalled’ when a co-work replied to something I said with ‘but wasn’t Johnson from Texas’ indicating he was a republican. That was from a gal educated at the same college as Hillary who clearly wanted her to be president.

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You know, progressives must have a pretty hard row to hoe these days as our national bifurcation has wedded them to “the cause” of being anti- conservative. Since in their lexicon conservative = ultra right, they HAVE to be opposed to every thing conservatives say. Consider parents dismayed at their kids behavior but knowing efforts to amend will incur the rath of fellow progs. They may secretly be appalled by the drug epidemic we are witnessing, but to oppose it puts you in the camp of the ultra right, as I read written by an obviously lib infused author. And yes, the jab might very kill you, but the conservatives oppose it so you cannot. This splitting our Republic into 2 diametrically opposite camps has had many I am sure unintended consequences for the poor progs but, well, what are they gonna do?

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Hilary was from Park Ridge. Bah ha ha ha ha ha ha. Almost on the runway next to O'Hare.

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He was told to.

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How that man was known as a womanizer nauseates me...

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Oh yes! A great collection of Sunday Funnies to send us out of 2023 and into a new year! The frog meme is the most important for the human race today! This has been going on for so long that I’m afraid the frog is getting close to being completely “cooked”. But Dr Malone, thanks to folks like you and Jill, perhaps more people are feeling the warmth creeping up!

Happy New Year and please keep on! We need you.

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