Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

One big difference between Florida and many other states and countries is mature leadership. In West Australia, where I live, the leadership, including the health bureaucrats consist of immature and ignorant sheeple. No ability to think critically. Give me Desantis and Ladapo anytime.

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Oct 11, 2022·edited Oct 11, 2022

It was probably very hard to overcome this:

UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push Establishment COVID Narrative


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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Here is an American hero! We need more like him serving the public. It's nice to see someone who actually cares about American's.

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Terrific about Dr. L and terrific about his Governor DeSantis, affording the support he needs to better speak out about these issues!

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If you're on twitter, Dr L had a great summary tweet about it today.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

This retired neurologist agrees completely with Dr Malone: Dr Ladapo is an exemplary medical leader and thinker. Young physicians and premeds: Dr Ladapo is your model in fulfilling your oath to society. Stand up for what you know is right. Be not afraid. Truth will prevail. Our patients expect us to be courageous on their behalf.

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Yes sir. I used to be a medical educator (until I was fired for not getting "vaccinated"). Current medical students are in great need of a role model like Doctor Ladapo. They are trained to become "guideline followers". It is a terrible shame.

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Well, the "guideline followers" had better think things through. If that's all they do, its only a couple of years before they can all be replaced by AI and a bunch of low paid LVNs.....

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One small candle can chase what feels like suffering darkness

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

No one can question the credentials of Dr. Joe Ladapo. Those who do, show their prejudice in calling a "quack" anyone who disagrees with the ridiculous "official" narrative. In the past I used to use Wikipedia a lot as a reference, and even donated to their cause. Not anymore, since I realized they will discredit anyone with whom they don't agree. I am a medical doctor, and I am one of those very disapponted that not many medical doctors have spoken against the disgrace of these "vaccines" and also about everything related to the covid response.

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I believe it’s also funded by George Soro’s if I remember correctly, so that’s telling. I no longer use it.

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I wonder if the UN has its tentacles there?

UN Recruited Over 100,000 'Digital First Responders' To Push Establishment COVID Narrative


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Would not be surprised.

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I used to be a wiki user too and gave money. It’s sad what it’s become, and sad when I use them now I find lies in everything

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

"You learn to know a pilot in a storm."

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

I heard him when you (and Margaret?) were in a conference together. I was very impressed. Honestly, when he opened his mouth, it just floored me because his personal style was so understated, factual and, as you say, calm. Beautiful human being.

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I’ve only seen him on TV, but it was his calm demeanor, I found most striking as well.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So grateful to be a Floridian, especially in these times. And Crist can go pound salt.

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I seriously doubt Crist knows at the executive level what mRNA is and how the vaccines work. Poor guy would probably have a heart attack if someone explained it to him...

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

You will know the mass formation has broken, (concerning politics) when the term "far-right" is no longer pejorative but means "right all along" instead!

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Well said! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thank you for this information. Dr Ladapo is a man of integrity. He is not compromised. So refreshing. He has the same calm demeanor as you do Dr Malone. Not all hyped up. Just laying the truth down for you to make a decision . You both are men with honor and courage to stand for what is right.

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Exactly! 2 great warriors! 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It still cracks me up how the left has pivoted from the early days of the covid vax being the "unsafe Trump vaccine" to now being the "holy sacrament of woke ideology".

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The left left critical thinking and any semblance of a moral compass behind many decades ago

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022

True. The fact they actually began with the right position on the "dangerous Trump vaccine" had nothing to do with critical thinking and had everything to do with TDS. Which to me, makes their vax pivot all the more baffling.

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TDS is also why if I were to tell certain friends and family about this, they'd immediately discount it because it came out of Florida (or any other Red state).

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LOL, and to all the leftist lurkers out there, you know I'm right.

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Like when they started the KKK

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Definitely left is more woke and blind at the same time LOL, but there are very many on BOTH sides who have taken pharm coercions and campaign cash for decades, which is one reason why today is today in this mess. We have to hold both sides accountable. Plenty of righwinger conservatives w/ lined pockets are content not to rock any boats.

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Thank you for remembering! Yes, the “Trump” vaccine- they said it . And then they stole it to have something, anything, to use. Without understanding what it was and how it was “supposed “to work.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

So thankful to Dr. Ladapo and Ron DeSantis for seeking truth and not succumbing to the mRNA madness in this country and in so many others around the world. Freedom and Truth will always prevail, especially with strong leaders like these men. So proud of Florida!

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks so much for this great tribute to Dr Ladapo!

Recently, I finished his book titled, "Transcend Fear: A Blueprint for Mindful Leadership in Public Health." It's an uplifting read, including how he came to have such a calm approach to life.

Continued thoughts and prayers are with you and Jill. Deepest gratitude for all you do to share the truth!!

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Kudos to Joe Lapado,a man with both a brain and integrity! Many are aware today about the morals of those connected to the AMA. An organization promoted by J. D. Rockefeller to provide higher income and prestige for doctors...nothing about real care for patients. Rockefeller had patented petroleum-based drugs to sell...so he went all out to promote the AMA. This was over 100 years ago...and now an all powerful AMA and its affiliates have bought out the American government.

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As I have pointed out before the AMA only speaks for the less than 20% of physicians who have retained membership. This is a number the msm refuses to ever mention

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I went to guidestar and looked up their tax forms. They bring in NINE billion a year! I didn't have time to go into the granular data - but will do so later.

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I worked at a state biomed shop. where m.d.s had their membership paid for them. Suspect pretty true in most places like that--certainly fed gov centers and that should tell us where their 20% membership hails from. But saw where their membership dipped below 20% when then endorsed the ACA

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It appears that it's the provincial colleges of physicians and surgeons in Canada that are a big part of the problem. These are run like a mafia and government doesn't seem to control them even while they have broad powers to remove doctors' licenses and even lock them in psychiatric facilities. We need to shine a big spotlight on these organizations and investigate them thoroughly.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Thanks again Dr. Malone " Two more fine Doctors from Canada - Oct 5th Roundtable discussion.


Also Jeff Childers Attorney thinks what Dr. Ladapo has done is very important for the legal arena.


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Wow! So great to see a couple more Canadian doctors speaking out. It takes a great deal of bravery when there are so few.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

Blue pills don’t create liars out of physicians..

...cash and threats apparently do

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Robert W Malone MD, MS

It is so encouraging to hear the interaction between two doctors ( Malone and Ladapo ) give us real science. (Especially since it makes sense to the average layperson and is intended to help us make truly informed decisions about our health)! I hope and pray that we the people will be blessed with more of this altruistic leadership!

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