"In order to have a meaningful mass awakening, the content of the awakening must be defined and distributed to the members of humanity, thus immunizing them against parasitic mind control. Because this content must be spiritual, the involvement of religion is unavoidable." He says it so well. Either we accept the greater reality of God, or the elite god-men will control everyone else.

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I'm not sure he's talking about the God of the Bible. It may be a god of our own making, which is useless.

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Based on an interview at the url I shared elsewhere, he shares Scripture (John 1:1) and discusses a proof for the existence of God. If anything, the "god of our own making" is the result of the Technical Singularity he describes.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Presumably you are referring to "the God of the Bible." Like all others, made by us in the image of our own highest aspirations.

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Mockers abound. You have your time. How one approaches the Scripture makes a difference on what is gleaned from it. Some strike out because God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. I challenge you to check your attitude at the door, and read the book of Matthew in one sitting from beginning to end with an open heart, even a prayerful one.

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That is B.S. We could never possibly create the God of the Bible, who spoke the world into existence (John 1) He is far beyond our comprehension. Show some humility. He is coming back as the righteous Judge.

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Yep! That’s truth. We could never “ create” a GOD better than the one true God.

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What proof do you have that the God of the Bible is a god made by us in the image of our highest aspirations?

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The Bible is written by those of us who claim by faith, i.e., without proof, that they were inspired or guided by 'God.' Why do you require proof of me if faith is your guiding light (O ye of little faith ;-)? Where true faith and belief are concerned proof is not required or even logically possible, and in the case of religion it is frowned upon as requiring it can amount to blasphemy. The awesome power of faith is indisputable, but it can be faith in anything, including mRNA vaccines or even Dr Malone.

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So basically you can state an opinion as fact without even doing the work that paleographies do in establishing the authenticity of ancient texts who find staggeringly more confirmation that the four Gospels of the New Testament are authentic historical accounts than they can provide to prove that Plato wrote Republic.

People chose to put their faith in a lot of different things based on a lot of different criteria. What they want or don’t want; what they know experientially; what they know through scientific inquiry. It is not wise to put our faith in things that are not based on truth. So we all have to examine how we are determining what is truth.

Maybe you should read the entire Bible and consider how you determine truth before you write it off as fiction.

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Jesus told his followers that he would give just one proof that he was actually the Son of God. His promise was that he would lie in the grave for three days and three nights before rising from the dead.

Ironically, the churches' Good Friday - Easter fantasy does not meet this criteria. But it's close, right?

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Faith is the ability to believe in and trust in love and intangible proof. What you define as proof is more appropriate for the epsteins and brandons of the world, materialistic ai singularity bank.

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LOL, he's batting 1000 on his statement that all shall die in their appointed time. Is dying one of your highest aspirations? Why would anyone create a god that tells them they have to die? Much less spend eternity in a place where God has chosen to withdraw his presence, aka "hell" if they chose to reject him...

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You don’t have to “believe” in hell ( or God), to go to hell. If you turn away from God, you’re choosing your path. Read C.S. Lewis, “ Mere Christianity”. He was an atheist & writes beautifully about God. It’s not preachy, it’s thought based brilliance. He writes like he’s talking to a friend, patient & clear.

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Dying is not an aspiration, it is an inevitability!! And it's a great motivation for people to create a god that in many cases offers a respite, especially an eternal one, from it. Not to mention a threat of 'hell' if they don't conduct themselves in a socially acceptable fashion.

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Nov 13, 2022·edited Nov 13, 2022

LOL, I'll take the bait. Lets go back in prehistoric times and imagine BEFORE religion was invented in your "its all made up" scenario. Who would bother to invent it? Not the alphas, they just kill whoever gets in their way and death doesn't scare them. The betas perhaps? Sure, they'd try it because maybe it gives some leverage over the alphas. So beta tells alpha the reason the volcano just went off is because alpha did something against "god" that is actually just something that makes beta mad. Alpha thinks "yeah, it sure did! I better stop!" Then beta tells alpha "If you also don't stop doing this other thing, its going to go off again and "god" will kill you for it this time!" Time passes and alpha does this other thing. The volcano is silent. Alpha immediately goes and kills beta for being a liar who played him. And that's the end of the new made up out of thin air religion.... From the perspective of evolution, its impossible. The benefit is quite temporal and making it up results in being selected out of the gene pool.

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Hell is only for people that don’t accept Jesus into their hearts . It’s that simple. Jesus died on the cross so we didn’t HAVE to “ conduct in socially acceptable fashion”. It’s not

“good deed” related at all. Jesus was perfect, we are not, but we can try. And that’s where Grace comes in. That’s the beautiful thing about my GOD. 😇💕

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Spot on.

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Not necessarily useless. And that would be a small percentage of “ believers.” I think his main point is the separation of how we view ourselves in daily situations, and how we contribute to the whole of civilization. That’s it. Keeping it simple, it makes SO much sense. Also, people tend to be lazy when it comes to thinking in general, so for most to come up with their own “ original God” isn’t probable.

I love this! All of it. I get it & think this guy is Tech world’s worst fear. It makes a lot more sense to go in this “God” direction, if still possible, than working toward an uprising after slavery from Tech world begins. We can’t even communicate effectively now, concerning virus , warnings, etc. It would take a secretly executed ( national) communication, that would have to be encrypted or old school. ( but, free travel most likely will be limited) God is how we fight this. My God has never lost a battle. That’s why church wasn’t declared an “ essential” service. The current elite establishment is scared of that kind of power.

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He is talking about God in the generic sense, as Creator God in the Bible, before the fall if man.

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You mean “god in a box”?

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The new age refers to god not as king but as source of creation. Like the source of power or electricity.

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The "new age" god seems oddly identical to the one worshipped for centuries by Taoists and Daoists.

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If u understand worship as what westerners do with science and gravity yes. They have a priori claims and truths.

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Exactly, sometimes human intelligence gets in the way of this truth

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I think he is talking about God in the generic sense as in Genesis (Bible) before the fall of Man.

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Apart from the One True God, Who delivers the unity of His disciples, and transforms their minds (against parasitic mind control; i.e. the conformity to the world) ((Romans 12:1-2, among other scriptures)), being renewed in their minds, many, if not most, of the members will not agree on the 'definition' and 'content of the awakening'. Even many of those who begin anew in the hopeful new and improved awakening, will fall and depart. This is overt and troublesome in the church now and has been for thousands of years on our imperfect globe. It shall not be perfected until He deems. The guy is brilliant, but all this is laid out plain in the knowledge of His Spirit, The Word, and it's relation and study has already told millions, if not billions, the same.

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This seemed like a systems analysis view of the world. Tech system vs. spiritual system. But I see life as more of a human organizational problem. A small percentage of humans are just different and cause problems for the majority. They are insatiable and would consume and/or own the entire planet if there were no constraints. They enjoy dominating and controlling others - even owning others. Obtaining monopoly power is the game. Unless we can figure out a way to keep these people from positions where they can gain control and harm others, we will continually find ourselves returning to this environment.

Catherine Austin Fitts of Solari envisions developing decentralized, local alternatives.I find that very appealing, but I don't see how it will withstand the war that will be brought against it. I think the author is correct that some kind of alternative cognitive mass awakening is required, but how? Mass non-compliance is the only chance but I can't see it happening. I almost think if you really got through to people that the next step is slavery, most of them would sign up willingly. I just read India has 92% of its population under the digital ID system. I'm sure China is already there and there isn't much resistance happening in the US. Information has been weaponized and so many people are simply not curious. They are just sponges soaking up whatever they're fed.

I'm praying for divine intervention.

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"Unless we can figure out a way to keep these people from positions where they can gain control and harm others, we will continually find ourselves returning to this environment."

I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely"

Like the alcoholic who attempts to drink responsibly to solve their drinking problem, it never occurs to them that they should stop trying the controlled drinking scheme and simply stop drinking alcohol.

So it i seems with humans governing other humans. We keep trying to find ways to control people rather than seeing control as the problem, not the solution.

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Plenty of people obtain positions of power and "control" or management over others, but they don't turn it into an all you can eat buffet. If you've ever come across one of these all you can eat people, domination is their goal, pure and simple. And in a group or team, they suck all the energy out of the group. If you ran into a serial killer, you wouldn't say he shouldn't be controlled, that control is the problem.

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If I may put a finer point on it.

Alcoholics are to alcohol as control freaks are to authority.

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The qabal likes this saying because they want you to avoid taking their power. Like the one ring. Just give it to sauron.

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Divine intervention has already occurred.

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Homeland Security isn’t doing anything without Brandon puppeteers approval. It is being directed from the top. This Nation has been sold out by traitors throughout our Government.

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They have done lots of damage abroad supported by lies and they got away with it. It is (perhaps) the first time that they are doing the damage within, visible to everyone.

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A few years ago I read a "transhumanist" novel. I immediately recognized two things: first, transhumanists are males in an arrested state of development with a maturation level of about 15. This has nothing to do with intelligence, and everything to do with maturity. Second, no woman who is or has been a mother could ever do anything but laugh at the idiocy that is transhumanism. Transhumanism requires that the practitioner have absolutely no empathy, and a little boy's love of cool gadgets. That is it. The end.

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Thank you, my fellow woman, for speaking the obvious!

Men are almost all boys, IMHO, and letting them run a society seems to run the risk of having it devolve into a technological or economic "Lord Of The Flies" scenario.

War making unnecessarily being their #1 insanity.

But falling in love with their gadgets and turning from the magic and mystery that is life, itself, our Conscious Universe, from fawn to flower, from supernova to atom, towards their own "false light" creations, is perhaps ultimately just as toxic and deadly a mistake.

However, the awake males can perhaps reach them. "Sacred Geometry" on Gaia TV is pretty stunning, and the real answers to the Big Questions are emerging, perhaps even as rapidly as the rise of the techie Universe.

May Consciousness Win!!

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I always hesitate to make too many pronouncements about the superiority of women in this regard, since the CEO's of the war-machine corporations are women, and we've had a few Secretaries of State and other cabinet members....ahem. "Can't we just drone this guy"? comes to mind. There are too many women who have accepted that you have to become like men to be successful. But yes, it is infuriating that the psychopaths of both sexes tend to rise to the top.

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I agree that the women in power today are as bad, or even worse, than the men.

But, women have been subjected to a 6000 year campaign of repression, abuse, and male domination.

They are "out boying the boys" to succeed, imho.

Read Saharasia, by James DeMeo.

Study the Iroquois, the Minoans, and other balanced or Matriarchal societies. They are VERY different than ours, and neither the women, nor the men are sociopaths.

It's a deep subject, but one well worth studying.

Our world is not, and the two sexes are not, what we have been taught to believe they are.

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One society that opened my eyes was the matriarchal society of Tibet pre-1960 in the book Leaving Mother Lake. It was an arrangement I had never considered, but which made so much sense to me. Yes, I agree that we have no idea what societies have existed successfully in the past or what is possible. I will check out Saharasia. I also recommend the book The Dawn of Everything, about pre-modern societies that challenge our notion of what is possible for humans.

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Thanks for the reccomendations, I will look at them!

They is a great little book about how the early American Feminists realized what was possible, and much, much more healthy, by spending time with the tribes in Upstate New York.

Members of the Iroquois Confederation.

And, some say our three branches of government with the checks and balances come from them as well.

I think balanced or matriarchal societies are in a lot of our blood and DNA.

We've just been brain-washed that all this endless war and male domination is "normal." It is anything but!

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That's what psychopaths do.

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Bill Gates, Zuck Markerberg et al

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Love it. So spot on.

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🤣 🎯

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"Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness." One doesn't need to be a genius to recognize that a Being that transcends time and space is the only answer to the question of the vastness of the universe, the infinitesimal reality of matter, and the past eternity of creation prior to Genesis 1. 2 Peter speaks to a reality we should all thoughtfully consider, "...knowing that shortly I must put off my tent..." We will all put off our tents one day, if the Lord tarries. That's the reality we can ignore or dismiss at our peril.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

My reaction? Sounds like the One World Religion of the three Abrahamic world religions being promoted... MINUS the actual Jesus, the Messiah. No thanks. Both modern day Islam and Judaism consider Christians as 'polytheists', and therefore idolaters. They do not understand the concept of Trinity and reject it. I am not a Christ-Conscience or God-Conscience seeker, I am a child of our Holy Father... reconciled by the atoning sacrifice of the Word made Flesh, on a Roman cross. His substitutionary death for my sins. He rose again, so shall I.. and all who put their FAITH and HOPE in Him alone.

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Well said!

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Amen! This is the true awakening. All the other human means are just another path to hell.

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No that would be the globalists’ PC syncretism. On the other hand, the CTMU Meta-religion focuses on the metaphysical logic or Logos underlying many spiritual beliefs.

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I don't think metareligion adheres to what you are saying. It sounds more like Babylon.

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Since Jesus wasn't mentioned, I think you are right.

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I did a search for meta-religion and while I don't know if what I found agrees with Mr. Langan's views, it was a disturbing website. http://www.supra-id.org/meta-religion

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

Chris Langan has mentioned Christ quite often actually.

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It's not enough to mention Christ. One must recognize His uniqueness, that He was fully human and fully God while on earth and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. He said in John 14:6 that He is the only way to the Father. There is only one way to be saved. I cannot go along with this idea of just declaring all religions the same and deciding we'll just all get along. We must come to God on His terms, not ours. Christianity is unique because our God came down to us, rather than making us claw our way up to try to find the right way and to determine how much is good enough. At one point, the gospels tell that some of Jesus' followers were leaving because following him had become too costly. He asked Peter, are also going to leave? Peter replied, no, you have the words of life. That's where I am. Only Jesus has the words of life, not Mohammed or Buddha or any other religious leader.

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I wish Christians would read C.S. Lewis more.....


Or even just listen to Jesus, lol.

Sorry if I offend, but direct Revelation is still real.

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But the Christian must test "revelation" by what the Bible says. The Holy Spirit will not reveal something to us that contradicts the Bible.

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CTMU definitely supports the specialness of Christ, Logos made flesh, member of the Holy Trinity, etc.

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Then why not just talk about that? Why add on these incomprehensible ramblings?

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The duality of centralized control in the hands of elites vs. decentralized democratic humanistic political organization seems to me to be as old as civilization. Same oppressor beast, dressed up now in techno clothing. Same fearful subservient and misinformed populace, now made so through censorship as opposed to by lack of education. I think it is reflective of an irresolvable conundrum of politics: give too much power to the elites and the power will go to their heads and they will become oppressors; give too much power to the people and they will make decisions out of ignorance, lack of experience and become disordered -- a kind of ochlocracy of the ignorant.

The Remains Of The Day, with Anthony Hopkins is a movie that explores this dichotomy: showing the folly of both the elites and the incompetence of the inexpert. Democracy tends to give the nod to the people, however, ill informed they may be, hoping and possibly assuming (without evidence) that in the long run the people will figure out its mistakes and make better choices. Aristocracy or elitism assumes its decisions will be better informed, ignoring how its judgments will be skewed by its own narcissistic biases. The former is a danger because it is too uninformed and inexpert; the latter a danger because it is not as well informed nor as expert as it thinks.

The United States, and indeed most Parliamentary democracies have attempted to resolve this through representation, assuming that representatives (aka politicians) will be more skillful at directing government in a way that is salutary to the public. While seemingly a reasonable compromise, this solution has proved itself to be riddled with flaws, including the tendency of such representatives to be influenced by party loyalty, dark money, and election tampering.

Is there any solution? Probably not a perfect one, but given the tendency of the powerful to usurp even greater power, and those more distant from those they represent to be less answerable to them, I think the solution is to weaken centralized authority and keep the power more decentralized and close to the local community. We also need to find a way to engage the public more in the political process. In Brazil, voting is mandatory. In this country, you participate if you feel like it. This election I voted on 5 separate bond issues and 7 or more referenda. I had no awareness of many of these referenda. If we don't have a lively engaged and respectful debate about politics on an ongoing basis in local town halls, we will never learn to respect our opponents, never learn from them, and become ever more entrenched in our monocular polarized viewpoints.

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Thank you for not talking in word salad. I’m not an ignorant person but some of this supposedly genius person’s thoughts are so wordy and complex they make my head explode.

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Scholars and specialists have their own language. Aka military slang acronyms

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deletedNov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022
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When people accepted a dnw upgrade from me, their comprension went way up. One person at instapundit i remember as not understanding much ofbwhat i wrote until they got a dna upgrade.

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U want to know how real democracies work? Look at american idol and donetsk elections

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Klaus and his queer 1st mate are failing. The club is desperately panicking. They have the brazen stupidity attempting "the inevitable" but not the mind power, nor the resources to make it happen.

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Hmmm…quick listen to an interview where he speaks of the need for eugenics (to improve the gene pool) and that individuals doing what they want to do (you mean freedom?) have caused societies decline. These musings frankly seem more in line with WEF. What am I missing?

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RemovedNov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022
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I agree, his ideas are alarming. I would call them "another gospel," which the Bible clearly warns against. Paul wrote in Galatians 1:6-8, "I am amazed that you are so quickly turning away from him who called you by the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— not that there is another gospel, but there are some who are troubling you and want to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach to you a gospel contrary to what we have preached to you, a curse be on him!"

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He is sorta like shorter jordan peterson. Thr video is an mk ultra mind control with bgm btw. Keep that in mind when u watch it.

The birth control thing has essentially already been manifested. People took the shots after all. U think their dna will create children no problem now?

Implanting in 10 year olds is not a privilege given to man. That is something god or satan decides to do here.

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Me too!

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Before remarking or weighing in on the topic at hand, I will need to study the post in more detail as I am unfamiliar with this brilliant human being you so generously introduced to us. I've been reflecting on your earlier query regarding what visions we have regarding alternative realities for living our best lives, in light of our current state of disillusion. I cannot fathom a way through until a significant number of individuals resolve to learn more about their own self-hood, as in, what makes them "tick", what conscious and unconscious ways of being rule their lives, what motivates and drives them to do what they do, how they perceive, sense, make decisions and by whose authority do they lead their lives. This is a tall order, yes absolutely. What we are dealing with here is the deliberate reduction of human sentience through mass homogenization of education, societal and cultural indoctrination, and focus on establishing a collective order of things. To lead any significant portion of humanity toward a self-reflective consciousness would be a tremendous feat. What say our brilliant minds to this dilemma?

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My assessment of the issues and what plagues us aligns with yours.

When I consider why or how it is that the masses have moved increasingly away from self-reflective consciousness, two things come to mind. First, our economic model values efficiency and economy. That is, capitalists try to constantly reduce costs while producing more thereby always increasing profits. The measure of success is largely “profits” not pride in the product/service or a desire to improve on quality.

In similar fashion, as individuals we more and more measure “success” according to how much we can pack into our lives and still get a decent return on the experiences. Think skimming along over the surface of water on a jet ski. We no longer savor a moment in it’s simplicity or embrace boredom as an opportunity for creative thought or reflection. We move through our lives like a car on the production line in a factory….hitting all the stations, cranking all the turns, adding bells and whistles and then racing forward….simply because we can.

Consider all this talk of “innovation and progress”….completely devoid of any discussions or reflections relative to actual value relative to “quality of life.” Instead we are driven to do just because we can and there is some psychotic fear that it we don’t we will be missing out on some grand thing or some important answer to the mystery of life.

And, I can’t help but feel that organized religion is caught up in and intertwined with the paradigm I have described above. That is, man pursues innovation and “progress” in large part because he os seeking perfection.

I am reminded, however, of what an author said to me at a writing conference I attended where we often did free writing exercises on our life experiences. She said, “If life were always easy, we would never grow.”

I suspect in my heart, this is a truth I subscribe to. I believe that it is not simply enough to be free. I believe the human spirit needs or desires fulfillment by self actualizing through work, overcoming challenges, celebrating blessings, connecting with others and nature. It is this duality of our spirit and the physical reality through which our energy and spirit evolves.

And what is the purpose of that evolution? Organized religion thinks largely in terms of salvation. It dictates standards of behavior as the coast of admission. The benefit is to the individual (salvation for good behavior) and to society (social contract of treating your neighbor as you would want to be treated).

What if the purpose of the evolution was not salvation but was to come to the realization that our soul/spirit is part of a greater sea of energy? That we are but the part of a whole. This is a different singularity then the one pursued by the tech WEF guys.

They see the hive as a means to establishing themselves as “God” like. Whereas, I like to think that my recognition that I am part of something much greater leads me to see aspects of life with awe, inspiration, sorrow, compassion, empathy. Always seeking to understand better the fabric of this unity.

But how do we achieve this? It is a surrender of sorts. It is perhaps accepting mortality in the physical world….and dedicating your life to quality of that lifetime rather than spending inordinate amounts of time trying to cheat death.

As I have aged and faced difficulty times, I have found more and more comfort in considering the possibility that the practices of indigenous cultures that honor nature and draw meaning from presentations may have immense value and include truths. Like intuition….simply learning to trust one’s knowing.

I guess it is my way of saying, we need to embrace the magic of life more without making the focus be usurping the magic by insisting we can control life.

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“I believe the human spirit needs or desires fulfillment by self actualizing through work, overcoming challenges, celebrating blessings, connecting with others and nature. It is this duality of our spirit and the physical reality through which our energy and spirit evolves.”

Nicely stated. As for organized religion and the exchange of good behavior for salvation I think this is how it is practiced. But this is not true Christianity. The gospel of Christ is salvation through faith

by grace alone. There is no exchange.

There is no evolution. The flesh nature, all that is evil within us, is put to death. We are crucified with Christ. His spirit indwells us. We are in Him and He in us. This is our new eternal identity. The flesh and spirit remain at war until the flesh is shed by physical death.

The most interesting thing and perhaps most misunderstood is that we become more Christ-like not by reforming our flesh nature but rather by seeing our eternal identity and believing that it has been accomplished on our behalf.

We realize that while we contend with the flesh, it is already dead. Because that is it’s destiny. God being outside of time sees our eternal identity. Our need for perfection is thus satisfied.

With this realization we surrender to the Spirit and naturally become more like what we believe we are. It’s a beautiful thing. It is the source of the peace that passes understanding. It gives us joy even during suffering, perfect hope, humility, love and respect for all people.

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Thank you. I appreciate the perspective and teachings. I do agree that it is often the “institutions” that distort and corrupt the essence of the practice and teachings of a faith.

While raised Christian, of the Methodist vein, I have come to appreciate that it is not so much the label regarding the religion as it is the effort to understand humanity and reflect on our place in the universe. By that I mean that for me, creed is not so important as the innate desire to connect outside ourselves in a way that promotes both the beauty and struggle that is life finding meaning and purpose in that which cannot and should not be quantified and out up for sale….love and how we treat our fellow man, creatures and all the richness that surrounds us. We can choose to either be part of that immense mystery or we can think that picking it apart, studying it, trying to constantly improve upon and control it is the way.

I know which way brings me peace. I think, however, for people to arrive at a place of faith, wonder and awe they must be vulnerable and see the value that brings when we vanquish the fear of mortality.

Peace to you. Again, thank you.

PS Am curious, are you familiar with the book “Hours of the Universe?”

Would love your thoughts on that. Seriously, I’m not sure what to think…thank you.

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Thankyou Laura. You are a deep thinker and good writer. I agree that there is a tendency to dissect things that are not amenable to dissection.

I downloaded a sample of “Hours of the Universe”. The author is brilliant. Her thinking and understanding of humans and the universe is deeply rooted in Darwinian evolutionary theory. She likely has wonderful insights but this coloration is at odds with my worldview which is founded upon an interpretation of the evidence as being resoundingly in support of Adam and Eve being the first literal humans, and evolution being a programmed survival mechanism given by the creator who made distinct “kinds” from the beginning as described in Genesis.

To me every advancement in genetic understanding affirms the wonder and beauty and order and mystery of creation.

I am glad you understand where peace and joy and security come from. I hope to meet in the hereafter.

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The book was mentioned to me by somebody who was in love with its message. I respect this person a great deal and decided to read it (not all of it) during these difficult and turbulent times.

I did not get very far into it before I began recognizing the traces of the Davos crowd. And it is not lost on me (I am not Catholic, but my husband is), that many believe that the Pope and the Vatican subscribe to the New World Order being advanced by the WEF/UN/WHO.

To me, the message seemed to be, as you say based in a Darwinian concept. That is, it suggests that the technological advances are moving us towards a more perfect and Christ like consciousness that will unify humanity for the betterment of all. Yuval Harari is quoted in the book as describing this unfolding history as a good thing. Yet, the dark underbelly of this concentrated power and this approach to treating everybody the same or having God’s or the higher power reduced to algorithms then dictated by mortal men, is not talked about.

The only way we ensure against evil or bad unnecessary things is if we have our eyes wide open to the possibility of it rather than sugar coating it for mass consumption.

Perhaps our world or existence is meant to be chaotic in nature. Perhaps it is from the chaos and chance that exists despite our imposing structure still leaves room for mystery and God’s miracles. And why would we want to eliminate that knowing that it is only through both the promise of the garden of Eden and the temptation of the fruit that we learn to love ourselves and others in our imperfect form while striving to do and be better.

The Davos crowd is pushing communitarianism on their terms and with them at the helm.

I prefer acceptance of the mysteries of the universe and the rich and varied tapestries that are woven from the many wild, crazy, unpredictable, and expected moments of a lifetime that contribute to an energy that makes us part of the higher power….whatever and whoever that may be. I don’t desire to have the technocrats program me in the image of what they perceive to be “godlike.” Better that I learn what it means to have God in my heart and by and through me bring meaning to the life force as something amazing in its potential and possibility.


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And by the way, no model but this model provides an answer to the evil tendencies to dominate and self destruct.

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Judaism doesn’t think in terms of salvation. It thinks in terms of how to make the world a better place in the here & now. And it believes in the soul as being part of a greater mass, for lack of a better term, of souls & each person contains a spark of holiness (a soul). I’m trying to connect this to your sentence about being part of a whole sea of energy.

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Surely, you are being sarcastic.

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There is nothing new under the sun. Klaus and Yuval's vision is Hitler vision 2.0. Hitler wanted a genetically superior master race with a high degree of social connectivity and a distinct and elevated leadership. Klaus and Yuval want the same thing, only chipped. The alternative "rejection of centralized authority" and distribution of decision making is also nothing new. These were the bedrock founding principles for what's left of the United States. You know, all that anti king, limited federal government, state sovereignty, direct voting, created equal kind of stuff. Clearly the latter was the best model. Too bad it is all but gone now. So what all of this heady talk is about is actually the quiet part nobody wants to say out loud. Hint, its what happened when this nation was born...jmo of course.

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How about a convention of states...you know like it describes in the actual Constitution? Try peace first? But only after Nuremberg 2.0 for the criminals that are science deniers and censored HQC, and Ivermectin. And pushed Russia-Gate, and embezzlement politics...and CRT....etc

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Our constitution is fine. It just needs to be upheld. I'd never trust democrats to revise our constitution. Not in a million years.

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A convention of states once seemed like a good idea; but this week's election reminded me that there are millions of greedy non-productive citizens in the USA. Assuming the people of California and New York were not excluded in the process of rewriting the constitution, it could only be MUCH WORSE than what we have now.

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But suppose in the Article V convention we become the 3000 united counties and limit the feds to just international affairs. Change the Electoral College to: one county - one vote. A man can dream can't he?

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Life would be empty without dreams. I like your ideas. It would also be wonderful if the FBI was abolished and replaced and if there were restrictions on the CIA.

Sadly, with a corrupt Press, a militarized DOJ, and a moron in the White House that simply obeys the orders of the Invisible Government (and, of course, the Biden Crime Family), I am convinced the days are numbered until America is no longer beautiful.

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Those were problems that came after the birth of the country...

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From an interview of Langan (url below):

"In a reality where the physical world is held accountable to empirical or mathematical science, any scientifically irrelevant theology is implicitly displaced. This makes theological systems untouchable by science and vice versa, depriving science of moral guidance and encouraging the revelatory creation of different metaphysical realities associated with conflicting promises and instructions involving the physical world. (These metaphysical realities include not just overtly religious frameworks, but the random materialism embraced by many scientists and followers of science.) The resulting disagreements cause, or provide pretexts for, real-world conflicts."

Seems that he is describing our current situation. Science has been deprived of moral guidance and we are being propelled by pseudo-religious frameworks, such as climate change or transhumanism, into oblivion. I am not smart enough to see how the Human Singularity he describes will prevail...

url: https://superscholar.org/interviews/christopher-michael-langan/

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I agree. I don't see it happening either. Sigh....

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It starts by being at least aware of the two possibilities.

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The key term is new age. Once u become aware of that then u may see the possibilities. Gene roddenberry was in a channeling session with council of 9

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"both capitalism and collectivism, as they are monopolistically practiced on the national and global scales, lead to oligarchy and a loss of individuality for the vast majority of people."

One of my best thoughts is free market capitalism is opposed to the free market economy.

Another is, the professed communists refuse to live in communes.

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If religion being necessary to rally the masses, here in the USA it would be Jesus was a rebel against hierarchy. Either (mimic) Jesus or serve the hierarchy through the intended hellish brutal techno mind control.

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Nov 12, 2022·edited Nov 12, 2022

So look at the last 500-1000 years of humanity and tell me we will be intelligent/courageous enough as a species to distribute as noted. We are a weak species, and if the world is not stupid enough to let the globalists take over, then we will be stupid enough to create AI that will take over. One way or nougat, this idiotic species will cede power to some central authority; we are simply too weak to do anything to our benefit. Again, look at the last 1000 years and convince me differently.

I have become nihilistic and believe we don't deserve to exist as we are too filled with avarice and idiocy.

I am glad I only have a few years left as a member of this moronic species.

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May I humbly suggest that the Bible has the answer? Genesis tells about the fall, which doomed all men to be born with a sin nature. I will admit I can't explain why God would let evil enter the world; that's the question that I've never heard the answer to. I rest in the fact the God's ways are higher than mine. If we will repent and believe that Jesus came to pay the penalty for our sin, we can be forgiven and spend eternity with God. You're exactly right, we cannot fix this mess, but I choose to believe that God has given me a mission and a message. Part of that mission is stand against the injustice we are seeing now and take a stand for the vulnerable. Take care.

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Satan is in the world so we would know the good from the bad. Opposition in all things.

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According to the Bible--evil is not a thing which was created it is an attitude and action of rebellion against God the Creator. Lucifer rebelled and Adam and Eve rebelled even though God told them they would die if they chose to eat of the one and only forbidden tree.

That is how evil and death entered the world. Love does not exist without choice to not love. God gave us the choice to love Him or not. He loved us first. He paid the death penalty Himself--in our place--through the death and resurrection of Jesus. So we can be saved from the penalty for our sin and be reunited with Him forever if we trust in His perfect sacrifice on our behalf--and not trust in our own sin twisted efforts to prove our worthiness.

Proverbs 9:10 says, The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

He has made Himself known to us through Jesus the Messiah and has written a book man would never write (because he is not displayed in a flattering light and is not the hero of the story). God wrote a consistent picture and account through many writers over thousands of years that has been preserved even though it has been banned and burned more than any other book because it has been seen as a threat by every anti God government in history.

At least take the time to read the whole book and see what God says about who He is and who we are and what is life about. He makes life worth living and will never leave you or forsake you.

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For some reason I cannot get the like button to work for me, but I say ‘Amen’.

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It seems to have some sort of weird delay. Shows up after a bit that I liked something. But just in case, amen, amen!

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While I am no atheist and I find comfort in the Beatitudes, the Bible was written by men over a period of centuries. Some believe that God is more cruel and evil than Satan because they believe that YHWH will torture people for eternity because of misunderstandings and mistakes.

I cannot help but wonder why Jesus, who was a Jewish rabbi for three years, would want a new religion based on himself created.

My favorite version of the story of Jesus is presented in the "Thomas Jefferson Bible".

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There are recent revealed text like law of one or a course in miracles to study.

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The bible is the inspired word of God, and Jesus the ‘Word of God’ made flesh (man). Jefferson cut out every reference to Jesus because he was a deist, not a Christian. He sought to make a God of his own design.

The Messiah came to set men free from the wages of sin, which is death. He was and is the perfect ‘lamb’ sacrificed ONCE for all who would believe and put their faith and trust in Him. Jesus, the Messiah, claimed that He and the Father were ONE, making himself EQUAL to God. He did not create a ‘new religion’, He fulfilled the Law and all the Prophets… in order to reconcile fallen man to a holy and righteous God.

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Fear is the mind killer. The hebrew word they often translate as fear is not fear

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Consciousness requires contrast. In the Garden of Eden, innocence but very limited consciousness. An evolved soul returns to the Garden with a fully evolved and awakened consciousness, including the knowledge of good and evil - and transcending that knowledge as the journey through duality has accomplished its goal and he or she now knows the Reality of the Garden for the first time.

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Don't you think the young generation is already enslaved (to their digital gadgets)? There is only one small step to total enslavement, and they wouldn't even notice.

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That's part of the Big Tech Globaists plan.

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Good thing ets exist then and r here

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With the upcoming Biden-Fetterman 2024 presidential ticket, commonly known as the “No Brainer”, intellectual articles like this are a breath of fresh air. That said, I’ve always imagined WEF wretches would eventually kill each other off one day, as by their nature. Barring that not happening soon enough perhaps a great revolt by the masses may occur, like in “The Hunger Games”. If Tech Singularity spirals us out of control then it’s by definition out of our control, so yes, send Divine Intervention, please 🙏.

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It already arrived

People thought it was russian sonthey canceled it.

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Wow!!! I second Dr Minor - I Only Accept God’s Mandates!

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I was put off at the very beginning of the video! Bifurcation?? (and I know what that word means!) That demonstrates either a lack of imagination or prescience. I can believe the former but not the latter. I put this guy in the bin labeled with Eisenhower's definition of an intellectual: a [person] who takes more words than necessary to tell more than [they] know. And I don't even find it fun to read.

What looks to me much more probably to be a real bifurcation is The Empire of Lies* (US and vassals, WEF) vs the Global South + Russia, i.e. The Multipolar World.

*Some folk add Chaos and Plunder to the title, but I find that too much of a mouth full though I agree it's appropriate.

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