When I went to UC Berkeley's School of Public Health back in the late 1970s, we were taught that the primary reason that America "conquered" the various epidemics was NOT due to a medical treatment or any vaccination, but it was due to various public health efforts (improving water supplies, better sewage treatments, and access to a greater variety of foods).

We were also taught that the primary reason that people were living longer was again NOT the result of medical treatment, but it was because infant deaths (from zero to 5 years of age) declined. Further, if a person was 40 years old in 1900 and another person was 40 years old in 1960, they had almost the same chance of living until 70 years of age.

Nowadays, people are mis-taught that vaccination had a "major" effect on longevity.

This misinformation is due to the schools of public health that are getting increased amount of grant money from Big Pharma companies.

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I checked my geneaology years ago going back 200 years and noticed the same thing. If a relative made it past 20 then there was a 90% chance they made it to over 80.

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...but it is no longer true today. I feel - have no data to prove it - that an increased number of people are dying in their late forties, fifties and sixties ever since the pandemic.

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It is so true that the reduction of infant mortality has made it look as if we live so much longer now than 100 years ago. And it is true that we can keep people 'alive' longer but those extended years are hardly vigorous for most. Fewer strokes and heart attacks and lower mortality from illnesses that respond to antibiotics has to be considered progress. Unfortunately the life of the chronically ill old person is not very pleasant. It's an extension of life but it is an extension involves spending a lot of time seeing a physician, taking lots of different prescription medication, and having a social life that is centred upon visits to some kind of medical practitioner.

We're pretty good at treating acute illness but lousy at treating chronic illness.

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But elderly care. i.e., nursing homes is big business. Living longer is not necessarily living well.

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I remember that lecture in medical school (U. Va. 1988) informing us of the minor contribution of medicine to people's health and longevity. Then it was never mentioned again.

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This kind of information is so important because vaccines have been given God like status but their importance is relatively minor and that doesn't take harms into account. Many of them have net negative value.

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Simon you hit the nail on the head. Vaccines have been given God like status and the entire support of vaccines is built upon one word: “BELIEF” — the “belief” that they actual work.

That’s the simplest deception of all: belief.

But once we break that belief, like articles like this one do, we begin to see a new way forward and can take charge of our lives, versus relying on those Priests of Belief (eg the Fauci’s of the world)



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Antibiotics used to have a God like status until MRSA resulted from overprescribing.

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Over doing is the most common detriment isn't it? I read an interesting article that claimed a large number of deaths that were attributed to Spanish flu during that epidemic was actually do to overdosing on aspirin which had just been introduced into the market but dosage had not been established.

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Yes. However, there are some antibiotics where damage occurs even from a five-day course such as fluoroquinolones.

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"God like" status is only possible when all rational debate is shut down. So this is yet another example of why we must bring rational debate back to our culture. If Trump wins this election, he can do this rapidly, and 100s of millions would watch and we would all learn. How? By initiating PSDs (Presedential Sponsored Debates)

I found this comment in Dr Malone's post highly cogent...

"Assessment of risk is difficult as no childhood vaccines on the US schedule have been through a true placebo-controlled trial – they are usually compared against the rest of the contents of the vial (chemicals such as adjuvants and preservatives but lacking the antigen or inactivated virus – a mixture that may be the cause of most of the side effects) or against another vaccine."

The COVID vaccine controll still exists, by the millions of unvaccinated, and similar studies of all the top VAERS harms, vaccinated vs unvaccinated, like demographics, can yet be done, and should have been done long ago.

The very facr that such studies have not been done, is by now very indicative of the harms associates with many "established" treatments.

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Most medicines are primarily the placebo effect at work. It’s hard to know which ones.

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Neither should schools nor sports leagues be allowed to mandate injections as a requirement for participation.

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Had to make a snap decision the other day when in for my semi-annual physical. "Flu shot?" Never took the covid jab, but this seemed more reasonable. "No thanks; I'd rather trust my immune system." Hanging out with dogs and cats does have its upside... And cuts? Ah, just let'em bleed, unless it gets too messy - then tape'em up.

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As a healthcare worker I took the flu shot annually without really thinking. After the scamdemic I've learned a lot about vaccines, Big Pharma and statistics.

I'll pass on future vaccination until I see the relevant data. I don't trust the industry I've worked in for almost 50 years anymore.

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When I think on it, that's really where I'm at - I just don't trust "the science" anymore because "the science" has been corrupted by the true fascists working hand-in-hand with the FDA at the altar of the almighty dollar. Thanks for your insight!

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Oct 26
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Good info; thanks!

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As I far too frequently lament, today’s doctors don’t read enough. Anyone familiar with fictional works like Little Women or the true histories of America’s pioneers, for instance, knows that people used to die left and right from scarlet fever. What’s scarlet fever? It’s a bad case of strep throat.

Do you know anyone who’s died of strep throat, let alone entire village wide epidemics of strep deaths? And yes, antibiotics are important to prevent some complications - but even if a strep diagnosis is missed and antibiotics are never started, the death rate is nothing like it used to be.

Vaccines in this case have nothing to do with it.

But if you’re ignorant of history, what do you expect?

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If strep goes into bronchitis and then morphs into walking (marching) pneumonia as happened to me in AF basic it can pose a problem

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According to Sasha Latypova's research into older medical literature, vaccines essentially cause anaphylaxis: in acute form causing seizures and death, and in attenuated form causing allergies and autoimmunity. That was before cv, of course, which was designed just to kill people in various different ways.

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The Jungle, written by Upton Sinclair around 1900 exposed the unsanitary food processing conditions in the USA. FDA was created to address this issue. In addition, waste disposable was just starting to be built into the infrastructure. Then of course clean water was being developed. Main reasons life spans increased and disease states diminished. The progression of using more and more chemicals in our farming system as well in food processing has created ill health in over 50% of the US population. Documented in 2017 by research paper entitled "Lifestyle Medicine, A Brief Review".


Big Pharma with their expert marketing has basically taken possession of the false notion that vaccines are key for good health. The preplanned Covid/RNA push has just accelerated the decline in longevity in the USA. Why the FDA goes along with the Big Pharma push to administer RNA injections to our children needs to be explored and stopped in my opinion. The Pfizer Papers need to be read by NIH. RFK Jr has done an excellent job of articulating the sources of ill health and the over administration of "vaccines". Big Pharma surely doesn't want President Trump to win. Will be a game changer, but we will become a healthier nation. My view!

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Upton Sinclair!, thanks for the background, of the man most famous for the quote;

"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."

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Dr. Malone and anyone wanting more information,

Enjoyed your paper and thankyou.

There is a book called "Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines and the Forgotten History" written by Suzzane Humphries, MD and Roman Bystrianyk about 2013 that agrees with you. Most if not all of the vaccines were introduced after the disease had pretty much run their course, and with people forced to take them. Most so-called vaccines killed more people than the cured. It's a tough book to read as it takes you through a time in history where most people lived a life that we would not even allow for our pets today. And, I was disappointed that it did not cover the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

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It was written before 2019. I just finished reading it, it's a great book.

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A darn good read. However I rarely hear of the danger measles poses to pregnant women. Personally knew Dr Murdena Desmond who was the director of the center for developmental pediatrics at Texas Childrens Hosp.& Baylor College of Med. in the early 80s. She extensively studied kids born to those women and it was gut wrenching to see their pathology. She also saw previously infected kids who came down with neurological illness when they reached puberty, something you virtually never hear about. So these issues need consideration in measles prevention.

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If a woman had measles as a child, she is inoculated and she transmits protection to her newborn which lasts for about a year. If she received a measles shot, she doesn't pass the protection to her child, who then is at risk.

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If a woman contracts measles while pregnant the damage to the child is devastating

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So, it's better or safer to catch measles as a child, when it causes minimal inconvenience for the most (I had it as an Eastern European, who in my generation received only 3 vaccines) vs getting vaccinated against measles and then the vaccine fades (because someone may not get boosted) allowing a pregnant woman to be infected. Then the illness is more severe for the mother and could be devastating for the fetus.

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Thank you for this. It has always been my impression that vaccines came in on the waning end of things, but had never had access to this kind of data.

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Dissolving Illusions is a very good book and a great resource for vaccine history

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Isn't it true that the vaccine against papilloma virus is only effective against a fraction of the circulating strains of this virus? Also, isn't it true that a person who is not sexually active is unlikely to be infected?

If the above is true, then why isn't a person's sexual activity (present or future) a consideration when recommending these vaccines.

I was infected as a promiscuous heterosexual male before the availability of the vaccine so I would probably have benefitted. The virus was a major inconvenience for a while but not much worse than this. For a 14 year old girl who is not sexually active, I'd have some hesitancy to recommend the vaccine as some people have been significantly harmed by the vaccine.

More transparency is required from the medical community. If you avoid telling people all of the known facts just because it's easier to use medical authority and paternalism, it eventually leads to the current situation......more and more people don't believe their family physicians at all. It's a lot easier to be authoritarian than authoritative and some people DO want to be told what to do. That shouldn't frame the discussion between physician and patient in general.

At one time we even believed the mainstream media. Now that we are aware of their lying ways, the MSM is less trusted than a car salesman.

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For a bit different look at vaccines (including smallpox), here is a read from Midwestern Doctor that I find more compelling: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/the-hpv-vaccine-disaster-was-a-test

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Thank you for sharing Dr Bell's analysis and advice. Particularly should we have a new Administration, with RF Kennedy Jr's insights and influence, these issues are likely to become more prominent. In terms of their impact on the unhealthness of our population, particularly our children, it seems to me attention is well warranted.

Dr Bell notes relevant information on safety and effectiveness is challenging to come by. That's particularly so in these times of rapidly developing censorship.

I do hope we will have the opportunity for combined efforts in the new year.


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'Historical sources suggest that in the 1800s... the Micmac native Americans... treated the disease using a botanical infusion derived from the insectivorous plant Sarracenia purpurea, a species of pitcher plant. Now, Jeffrey Langland at Arizona State University in Tempe, US, and colleagues have conducted in vitro experiments with the herbal extract and found it inhibits replication of the variola virus, the causative agent behind smallpox.' - Rediscovered Native American remedy kills poxvirus By James Urquhart 21 March 2012. "The authors showed that the plant extract was not only active against smallpox, but also against other poxviruses, Papo virus SV-40 and various herpes viruses, including papillomavirus and Epstein-Barr virus-associated carcinomas, usually by inhibiting the virus replication at the level of early transcription (Moore and Langland, 2018). Homoeopathic remedy used for smallpox - Millefolium for both prevention and treatment. David Bell wrote such a good article. He said we must look at the risk: benefit ratio. It seems, in western countries the choice is weighted toward risk, the opposite is true in third world countries due to nutritional deficiencies and poor sanitation. However, is it ethical to give vaccines in third world countries that have not been subjected to proper placebo-controlled studies? There is little incentive to make vaccines safer, I guess people in sub-Sahara won't complain. Every nation deserves to have safer vaccines available. I was at a health clinic today, and every time a person came to the desk, the girl asked if they wanted a flu shot. Everyone who entered declined. Doctors who gave antibiotics out like glasses of water, are now more hesitant to prescribe them, although we are fortunate for their availability. The same thing needs to happen with vaccines (mRNA shots are not vaccines), and offered when the benefit far, far outweighs the risk.

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Do you still vaccinate your horses? If so, which ones?

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Excellent question, I would like to know this too.

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My question would be are they using the MRNA in our horse vaccines yet? Hoping not! I have a lot of horse owners questioning their vaccines for their horses now.

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I am questioning the use of vaccine for my dogs!

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Yes- I think you should!

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Very sensible article. When there are no adequate safety studies demonstrating safety, as even Dr. Plotkin recently acknowledged in a NEJM piece, it is impossible to intelligently assess the risk benefit ratio, and as the article points out, we are all flying by the seat of our pants.

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